4698 ARTICLE 22.
1904, ch. 219, sec. 37. 1906, ch. 112, sec. 37. 1924, ch. 282.
43. The corporate and taxable limits of the town of Boonsboro, iu
Washington County, Maryland, are declared to be as follows: Beginning
at a point in the East marginal line of Main Street being the State High-
way, where the said East margin is intersected by the North boundary
of the property owned by J. E. Moss and running thence along said Moss
line, North fifty-three degrees, thirty minutes, East three hundred and'
fifty-five feet; thence leaving said Moss line and running North twenty-
two degrees West one thousand, three hundred and seventy feet; thence
North twenty-two degrees East one thousand and eighty-nine feet; thence
North six degrees, thirty minutes, East seven hundred and ninety-two
feet, passing on the West side of the residence of Samuel Douglas; thence
North seventy-two degrees West four hundred and thirty feet to the West
side of the Wolfsville road; thence along the same North seventeen degrees
East one hundred and sixty-five feet; thence leaving said road and running
along the North boundary of Shaffer's Addition, South sixty-eight degrees
West nine hundred and seventy feet; thence leaving Shafer's Addition
and running North twenty-two degrees West one thousand and ninety-five
feet; thence North twenty-six degrees West one thousand, three hundred
and twenty-six feet to a stake; thence South sixty-four degrees West one
thousand, two hundred and thirty-eight feet crossing the Mapleville road
and the State Road to a stake; thence South twenty-six degrees East one
thousand, two hundred and seventy feet; South twenty-two degrees East
one thousand, two hundred and twenty-nine feet; thence South sixty-eight
degrees West one thousand, nine hundred and ninety feet to a stake; thence
South twenty-two degrees East five hundred and seventy-three feet to the
center line of the Sharpsburg Road; thence South eleven degrees, fifteen
minutes, East five hundred and seventy-five feet; North sixty-eight de-
grees East one thousand, eight hundred and eighty-four feet to the West
boundary of the Cemetery; thence along same South twenty-two degrees
East five hundred and seventy-seven feet; South sixty-eight degrees East
three hundred and thirty feet; thence leaving the Cemetery South twenty-
two degrees East six hundred and forty-three feet; thence South thirty-
seven degrees East one thousand and sixty-three feet; thence North fifty-
three degrees, thirty minutes, East six hundred and ten feet, to the place
of beginning.
1904, ch. 219, sec. 38.
44. The male citizens of Boonsboro of the age of twenty-one years and
upwards, who shall have resided in the State of Maryland and in said
town for twelve months next preceding the election, shall, on the second
Monday in May in the year 1905, and upon the same day in every year
thereafter, elect by ballot a person, not under twenty-five years of age, a
citizen of the United States and a registered voter of the State of Mary-
land and three years a resident of said town next preceding the election,
to be Burgess of said town. He shall take the oath of office as hereinafter
prescribed for town officers, and remain in office until his successor is