4696 ARTICLE 22.
access and at which charges are made for the privilege of engaging therein,
to permit, suffer or allow any person or persons under the age of sixteen
(16) years to loiter in, on or about the premises where such games as
above mentioned are conducted, or engage in or participate in any manner
in the conduct of any of such games or witness the participation therein
of others who may lawfully be on the said premises.
1916, ch. 479, sec. 4.
39. Any person or persons, firm or corporation, whether proprietor or
person in charge of any pool or billiard room or bowling alley in any place
in Washington County who shall violate any of the provisions of this Act
shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof
shall be subject to a fine of not less than Fifteen Dollars ($15.00) nor
more than One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars; one-half of any fine so
imposed and collected to be paid to the informer thereof.
1904, ch. 105.
40. It shall be lawful for banks, bankers, trust companies and other
banking institutions in the city of Hagerstown, Washington County, to
close their doors for business at twelve o'clcok noon on each and every
Saturday in the year, and every Saturday in the year after twelve o'clock
noon shall be a legal half holiday so far as regards the presenting for pay-
ment or acceptance and the protesting and giving notice of the dishonor
of bills of exchange, bank checks, drafts, promissory notes and other nego-
tiable papers, and for these purposes shall be considered and treated as
the first day of the week, commonly called Sunday; and all such bills,
checks, drafts and notes presentable for payment or acceptance on Satur-
day shall be deemed to be presentable for payment or acceptance on the
secular or business day next succeeding; provided, however, that all bills
of exchange, drafts and promissory notes made after the passage of this
Act, except those payable at sight or on demand, which shall be otherwise
payable on any half holiday Saturday, shall be deemed to be and shall be
payable on the next secular or business day; and provided further, that
for the purpose of protecting and otherwise holding liable any party to
any bill of exchange, bank check, draft or promissory note, and which
shall not have been paid before twelve o'clock at noon on any half holiday
Saturday, a demand of acceptance or payment thereof may be made, and
notice of protest or dishonor thereof may be given on the next succeeding
secular or business day; and provided further, that when any person shall
receive for collection in said county any bills of exchange, bank check,
draft or promissory note due and presentable for acceptance or payment
on any half holiday Saturday, such person shall not be deemed guilty of
any neglect or omission of duty nor incur any liability in not presenting
for payment or acceptance or collection such bills of exchange, bank check,
draft or promissory note on that day; and provided further, that in con-
struing this section every half holiday Saturday shall, until twelve o'clock