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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 4695   View pdf image (33K)
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power to issue process compelling such witness to attend before him, which
shall be directed to the Sheriff of Washington County, and it shall be the
duty of said Sheriff to serve such process promptly; and any Commis-
sioner who shall refuse to allow an examination of all the books and ac-
counts of their office, and any witness duly served with process, as afore-
said, who shall refuse to answer upon oath touching the conduct or acts
of said County Commissioners or Tax Collector, or as to the books, ac-
counts and papers of said office, shall on indictment and conviction thereof
be fined not less than one hundred nor more than five hundred dollars, in
the discretion of the Court; provided, however, that the examination of
all such books, accounts and papers shall be made in the office of the said
County Commissioners and Tax Collector, respectively.

1906, ch. 745, sec. 8. 1920, ch. 136, sec. 7.

35. The said County Commissioners are hereby directed and author-
ized in their levy for taxes made in 1920 to include therein a sum not
to exceed three hundred dollars, to be used, or so much thereof as may
be necessary, to pay for the first examination, audit and reports herein
provided for and annually thereafter in the levies made for taxes they
are hereby directed to include a sum not to exceed three hundred dollars,
to be used, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to pay for subsequent
examinations, audits, accounts and reports herein provided for.


1916, ch, 479, sec. 1,

36. Every room or place in Washington County used or occupied for
the exercise or engaging in the games of pool, billiards, or bowling to
which the public has access and at which charges are made for the privi-
lege of engaging therein shall be conducted at all times in an orderly,
decent manner, and it shall be unlawful for the proprietor or person in
charge of the same to permit any disorderly conduct, swearing or use of
indecent or improper language therein by any person or persons on, in,
or about the premises where such games are conducted.

1916, ch. 479, sec. 2.

37. All places as aforesaid used or occupied for the purpose of engag-
ing in the games of pool, billiards, or bowling to which the public shall
have access and at which charges are made for the privilege of engaging
therein shall be kept closed as a place of business from hours of 12 P. M.
to 6 A. M. of each night in the week, and it shall be unlawful for any
place or places aforesaid to be kept open during the hours above mentioned.

1916, ch. 479, sec. 3.

38. It shall bo unlawful for the proprietor or person in charge of any
place or places as aforesaid, used or occupied for the purpose of engaging
in the games of pool, billiards or bowling to which the public shall have


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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 4695   View pdf image (33K)
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