4676 ARTICLE 21.
to law, as they shall deem proper, and to restrain disorders and disturb-
ances, prevent and abate all nuisances, and to carry into effect the powers
granted to them; and may establish and enforce such penalties, fines and
forfeitures for offenses, as they may deem proper, not exceeding fifty dol-
lars in any one case.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 21, sec. 230. 1878, ch. 129. 1918, ch. 346, sec. 230. 1929, ch. 112.
547. That they are also empowered to pass all such by-laws and ordi-
nances as may seem to them necessary for the proper and thorough drain-
age of the town; for the removal of all nuisances and obstructions of the
streets; for repairing, laying gutters, paving, curbing and otherwise im-
proving the streets, lanes and alleys of said town; for building and con-
structing gutters, curbs and sidewalks and properly paving the same, and
in the event of such construction of gutters, curbs and sidewalks, they
shall be authorized to levy upon, the abutting property a sum of money
equal to one-half of the cost of construction of said curbs, gutters and side-
walks, which sum of money shall be a lien upon the abutting property
and shall be collected by the said commissioners by suit against the owners
of said property in such manner as like debts are collected by law, or by
the Tax Collector designated or appointed by Ordinance by the Commis-
sioners of Trappe, who shall, after being duly authorized by Ordinance,
proceed to enforce the payment thereof in the same manner and follow
the same procedure as is prescribed for the enforcement of payment of
taxes by sale of real estate, including advertising, reporting sale to the
Circuit Court for Talbot County for ratification, executing deed for the
property so sold, etc., and said Tax Collector shall be entitled to the same
fees in addition to his regular compensatiou as he would have been enti-
tled to receive should said sale have been made for delinquent taxes; and
said property shall be subject to redemption by the owner thereof within
twelve months from the date of such sale upon the same terms and con-
ditions as if same had been sold for taxes; and when, in the opinion of
the Commissioners of Trappe, it may be necessary to open new streets
or widen existing ones the question shall be submitted to the taxable citi-
zens of said town, and if approved by a majority vote of said citizens the
commissioners are authorized to assess the damages and benefits and to
execute the work.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 21, sec. 231. 1878, ch. 129.
548. If any person shall violate any of the ordinances of the town of
Trappe, under the charter of said town, by loud or boisterous talking,
cursing, swearing or using profane or vulgar language, or otherwise, in
any manner whatever, disturb the peace and good order of said town, or
shall obstruct the streets or sidewalks in any manner, it shall be lawful,
and it is made the duty of the bailiff of said town, or the sheriff, or con-
stable, or other municipal officers of Talbot county, to arrest such person,
and take him before some justice of the peace for Talbot county; and
upon conviction the said offender shall be fined not less than fifty cents
or more than twenty dollars, with costs; the said fine to go to the use of