and the costs of the Tax Collector's deed to the purchaser, if any such
deed has been executed.
1929, ch. 105, sec. 227E.
542. Every tax deed shall contain the name of the former owner of the
property it conveys, and the Clerk of the Circuit Court in whose office the
same may be recorded shall index it, not only in the name of the grantor
and grantee, but also in the name of and as from the former owner to
the grantee.
1929, ch. 105, sec. 227F.
543. The Tax Collector shall receive, in addition to his regular com-
pensation from The Commissioners of Trappe, the following fees, which
shall be payable only out of the proceeds of any sale made to enforce the
payment of taxes, and which shall be included in the costs and expenses
of such sale: for advertising real property for sale under the provisions
of this Act, if the property be sold, the Tax Collector shall receive a fee
of two dollars and ten per centum on the gross amount of the sales, with
his expenses as provided in this Act, but if payment be made after adver-
tisement and before the sale, only the fee of two dollars shall be charged
by the Tax Collector in addition to the expenses incurred; and the said
Tax Collector shall receive a fee of fifty cents for making a statement of
any taxes due on personal property when said taxes are to be collected
by the Town Bailiff, under the provisions of this Act, and the Town
Bailiff shall include said fee in the cost of collection; and in all cases of
the sale of real estate by the Tax Collector under the provisions of this
Act there shall be also allowed to said Tax Collector from the proceeds
of the sale, in addition to other fees and expenses, a reasonable sum for
counsel fees not exceeding ten dollars for reporting said sale to and pro-
curing the ratification thereof by the Circuit Court for Talbot County.
1929, oh. 105, sec. 227H.
544. The provisions of the Code of Public General Laws of Maryland
now in force or hereafter enacted applicable to collectors of State and
county taxes, except where the same are repealed by or are inconsistent
with the provisions of this Act, shall be held to 'apply to the Tax Collector
of said town, who as to his powers, rights, duties and liabilities, both civil
and criminal, and those of his bond or bondsman, shall be in all respects
in the same position as State and county collectors of taxes, except as
herein provided.*
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 21, sec. 228. 1860, Art. 20, sec. 204.
545. They shall establish some suitable place for their meetings, and
give notice thereof, and shall have stated sessions for the transaction of
business, once or oftener, in each month.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 21, sec. 229. 1860, Art. 20, sec. 205.
546. They may make all such ordinances, by-laws and regulations, for
the good government, improvement and benefit of said town, not contrary
*Sec. 2, ch. 105, 1929, repealed all laws inconsistent therewith.