said town; and in default of the payment of said fine and costs, the party
shall be committed to the county jail for not more than thirty days, or
until the fine and costs shall be paid.
1912, ch. 723. 1914, ch. 78.
549. The County Commissioners of Talbot County shall pay, an-
nually, to the Commissioners of the town of Trappe in Talbot County,
out of the County taxes levied upon the property within the limits of the
town of Trappe, such sum of money, not exceeding the sum of Three
Hundred Dollars ($300.00) as may have been expended by the Commis-
sioners of the said town of Trappe for the repair and maintenance of the
road bed of the streets of said town; provided, that the sum of money so
required to be paid to the Commissioners of the Town of Trappe shall
not exceed, in any one year, the sum actually used and expended by the
said Commissioners of Trappe upon the road bed of said streets; and pro-
vided further, that no money shall be paid hereunder, until and unless,
the Commissioners of the Town of Trappe shall, on or before December
31st of each year, file with the Commissioners of Talbot County an item-
ized statement, with the vouchers, showing the actual amount of money
so used and expended by the Commissioners of the Town of Trappe,
upon the road bed of the streets of said town.
1927, ch. 67, sec. 1.
550. The Commissioners of Trappe are hereby authorized and em-
powered to construct, install, maintain, and operate a water system and
plant for the Town of Trappe, Maryland, and to fix and determine rates,
rules and regulations and make contracts for supplying the same.
1927, ch. 67, sec. 4.
551. For the purpose of redeeming said bonds at maturity and for
securing the prompt payment of interest thereon, The Commissioners of
Trappe shall apply any surplus which may be received from time to time
from the operation of said water system to the payment of interest and
principal of the bonds issued under this. Act, as they mature; and should
this be insufficient for that purpose then The Commissioners of Trappe
shall levy annually upon the assessable property of the town, such ad-
ditional sum as may be necessary to pay the interest on said bonds semi-
annually and one Five Hundred ($500.) Dollar bond annually, beginning
July 1st, 1930, as aforesaid.
1914, ch. 387, sec. 1.
552. Every person within Talbot County who has no visible means of
maintenance from property or personal labor, or is not permanently sup-
*The other sections of ch. 67, 1927, authorized $18,000 of bonds, which were ap-
proved by the voters on April 5, 1927.