1910, ch. 598 (p. 1150).
25. The County Commissioners of Talbot County are hereby author-
ized and empowered to sell at public or private sale the present County
Home, or Almshouse, in said county, with the farm and lands belonging
thereto, located in Trappe district of Talbot County, on the road leading
from the village of Hambleton to the town of Oxford, either at public or
private sale; and at such time and upon such terms as in their judgment
may seem wise and expedient; provided, that if the said property is sold
at public auction, due notice shall be given of said sale by advertisement
for at least once in each of three successive weeks in one or more of the
newspapers printed and published in Talbot County; and the proceeds
arising therefrom the sale of the said County Home, or Almshouse, and
the farm lands and buildings belonging thereto shall be applied toward the
purchase of another site and the erection of other buildings as the County
Home, or Almshouse, if, in the judgment of the said County Commis-
sioners of Talbot County, it shall seem best to erect, acquire or establish
another County Home, or Almshouse, or Asylum, for the needy or insane;
and in the event that it shall not be deemed expedient to erect, acquire or
establish such Almshouse, or Asylum, the proceeds from the sale of said
County Home and lands aforesaid shall be applied to the payment of such
outstanding bonds of said county as the Commissioners of Talbot County
shall deem proper and most expedient.
(All local game laws were repealed by ch. 568, 1927. See 1929 Supplement to
Annotated Code, Art. 99.)
1894, ch. 548, sec. 1. 1900, ch. 183, sec. 1.
26. The County Commissioners of Caroline and Talbot Counties, a
majority of each board concurring, shall have full power and authority
to construct, maintain and keep in safe repair a draw-bridge over the
Choptank River, between Caroline and Talbot Counties, at the place
known as Dover Bridge, with the opening in the draw at least sixty feet
wide; and said County Commissioners of Caroline and Talbot Counties,
a majority of each board concurring, shall have full power and authority
to make reasonable rules and regulations for the use of said bridge, known
as Dover Bridge by the public, and for the protection of said bridge and
other property belonging thereto or therewith, and to enforce the observ-
*Ch. 450, 1906, requiring Talbot County to pay $200 annually to Queen Anne's
County for maintenance of Kent Island Bridge, was held invalid in Queen Anne's
Co. v. Talbot Co., 108 Md. 189. Ch. 577, 1912, authorized $30,000 of bonds for
bridges, and 173, 1914, authorized $35,000 lor same purpose. Ch. 180, 1912, author-
ized Talbot County to issue $60,000 of bonds for canal to connect Broad Creek and
Tred Avon River with Miles River, subject to referendum in November, 1912.
Question not submitted, as it was determined that cost would exceed $60,000.