4510 ARTICLE 21.
ance of said rules and regulations by imposing upon any person or persons
violating the same any reasonable fine, not exceeding ten dollars, for any
violation thereof, which fines shall be collected as small debts are now
collected, and shall be recovered in the name of the County Commissioners
of said counties before any justice of the peace of either of said counties
in which the person or persons violating said rules and regulations shall
be found; and on failure or refusal to pay and inability to collect the same
by legal process, the person or persons so fined shall be committed to the
county jail of the county for a period not exceeding ten days, in the same
manner as commitments are made for fines imposed by the Circuit Courts
of this State on conviction for misdemeanor, and the justice of the peace
shall make this a part of his judgment, and said fines shall be applied to
the keeping of said bridge in repair.*
1894, ch. 548, sec. 2. 1900, ch. 183. sec. 2.
27. The County Commissioners of Caroline and Talbot Counties are
authorized and directed to levy on the assessable property of their respec-
tive counties such sums of money as may be necessary to pay the cost of
constructing, maintaining and keeping in safe repair said bridge and other
property belonging thereto or therewith.
1894, ch. 548, sec. 3. 1900, ch. 183, sec. 3.
28. The County Commissioners of Caroline and Talbot Counties, a
majority of each board concurring, shall annually, in the month of April,
appoint some suitable and competent person to act as keeper for said bridge
whose duty it shall be to attend to the opening and closing of the draw
of said bridge, and also to perform such other duties in regard to keeping
said bridge in proper condition for public travel, and the keeper of said
bridge shall receive such compensation for his services as the said County
Commissioners shall provide for by the levy for maintenance of said
bridge, as authorized in Section 27.
1894, ch. 548, sec. 4.
29. The draw of said bridge shall not be left open before eleven o'clock
at night.
1896, ch. 213, sec. 1.
30. The County Commissioners of Caroline and Talbot Counties are
hereby empowered in their discretion to build a substantial bridge over
said river, from some suitable point on the Caroline shore, at or near Gil-
pin's Point, to a convenient and practicable point on the Talbot County
shore; the position to be determined by the County Commissioners of the
two counties, and the said County Commissioners of Caroline and Talbot
*Ch. 395, 1908 (p. 679), authorized Caroline County to issue $8,000 of bonds for
construction, in conjunction with Talbot County, of a new draw-bridge, and ch. 108,
1910 (p. 1160), authorized Talbot County to issue $8,000 of bonds for same purpose.