P. L. L., 1888, Art. 21, sec. 11. 1860, Art. 20, sec. 12.
11. They shall meet at the almshouse in said county four times a year,
in the first week in January, May, August and November, or oftener if
necessary, and make, by a majority of votes of such as may be present, all
such ordinances, rules and by-laws as they shall think convenient and
necessary for the direction, government and support of said almshouse,
and for the maintenance and employment of the inmates thereof.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 21, sec. 12. 1860, Art. 20, sec. 13.
12. They shall annually furnish to the county commissioners a gen-
eral statement of all their disbursements and expenditures in the main-
tenance of said almshouse.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 21, sec. 13. 1860, Art. 20, sec. 14.
13. The overseer shall keep a list of all poor, and of all vagrants, beg-
gars, vagabonds and other offenders committed to said almshouse, and a
regular account of all materials and other things that may come to his
hands, and all expenses and charges attending the maintenance of said
inmates., and of money received from the sale of the produce of their labor
or otherwise, and shall lay the said lists and accounts before the trustees.
at their regular meeting, or oftener if required.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 21, sec. 14. 1860, sec. 20, sec. 15.
14. He may compel any of the inmates of said almshouse, if of suffi-
cient ability, to work, and shall sell and account for the produce thereof.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 21, sec. 15. 1860, Art. 20, sec. 16.
15. Upon complaint made to any justice of the peace of the county
that any person, from his disorderly conduct gives disturbance to a neigh-
borhood and is likely to become chargeable to the county, the said justice,
if upon hearing the party he shall judge the complaint to be well founded,
may commit such disorderly person to the said almshouse for any period
not exceeding three months, unless he shall find security, at the discretion
of the justice, not exceeding fifty dollars, for his good behavior during the
space of six months.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 21, sec. 16. 1860, Art. 20, sec. 17.
16. Upon complaint and due proof made by the overseer of the alms-
house to any one trustee, that any person in said almshouse has behaved
in a disorderly manner, or has refused or neglected to perform his daily
labor and task, or to obey any of the rules or by-laws of said corporation,
the said trustee may order such moderate and proper correction, not ex-
ceeding fifteen lashes, to be given to such offender, as the nature of the
case may require.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 21, sec. 17. 1860, Art. 20, sec. 18.
17. Any one of said trustees may, under his hand, in writing, direct
the admission of any poor person into said almshouse.