4374 ARTICLE 20.
located at such place as the said County Commissioners may deem best
in their discretion for the convenience of the public to be benefited thereby.
1904, ch. 238.
23. It shall be unlawful for any one to play cards, upon any road or
public highway in Deal's Island Election District No. 14, in Somerset
County; and anyone violating this Act shall, upon conviction before any
justice of the peace for said county, be fined a sum of twenty-five dollars
and stand committed to the county jail until said fine and costs are paid.
1916, ch. 518.
24. It shall be unlawful for any person, persons, association or organ-
ization of any kind whatsoever to hold any camp meeting or bush meeting
within the limits of Talbot, Caroline, Dorchester, Somerset, Kent and
Worcester Counties without first making application in writing at least
fifteen days prior to the date of beginning of such camp meeting or bush
meeting, and obtaining a permit therefor from the County Commissioners
of the respective counties for the holding of such camp meeting or bush
meeting therein. That such application for a permit, as aforesaid, shall
be accompanied by a petition in writing, signed by at least twenty-five
taxpayers, each of whom shall reside within three miles of the place where
such camp meeting or bush meeting is to be held, and such petition shall
have annexed thereto as a part thereof an affidavit to the effect that each
of the said petitioners are bona fide taxpayers and of their residences
within three miles of said place of such proposed meeting. And when-
ever the County Commissioners of any of the respective counties shall
have any reasonable grounds for believing that any lawlessness or disorder
will occur, at said camp meeting or bush meeting, they shall refuse to grant
such permit, and if, after issuing any permit to hold any camp meeting or
bush meeting, there shall be any lawlessness or disorder reported to said
County Commissioners, it shall be the duty of said officials to investigate
or have investigated by the Sheriff or other officer of said county, the
matter, and upon proof of said lawlessness or disorder they shall forth-
with revoke said permit, and it shall be the duty of the Sheriff, or other
officer of the respective counties, to enforce the provisions of this Act.
Any person or persons, or the officers of any association or organization,
violating the provisions of this Act, shall, upon conviction thereof before
any justice of the peace of the respective counties, be fined not less than
twenty-five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars for each and every
offense; and upon failure to pay said fine or cost shall stand committed
to the county jail of the county wherein such conviction shall occur for a
period of thirty days. Any and all fines recovered for any violation of
any provision of this Act shall be paid by said official receiving the same
to the County Commissioners of the respective counties and by them