1910, ch. 106, sec. 3 (p. 1128).
21. To make this Act effective, binding and mandatoiy upon the
County Commissioners of Somerset County and the County Commis-
sioners of Worcester County, the stockholders of the said Pocomoke Bridge
Company are hereby required to accept and ratify the terms and pro-
visions of this Act within three months after the passage of this Act
at a meeting called for that purpose, and to notify in writing the Coun-
ty Commissioners of Somerset County and also the County Commission-
ers of Worcester County of their acceptance hereof. Such notification
shall be sufficient if signed by the chairman of the stockholders' meet-
ing, and certifying to the said County Commissioners that at a meeting
of the stockholders on a day named therein said stockholders by resolu-
tion entered upon their minutes have accepted and ratified the provisions
of this Act. And upon such acceptance by the stockholders of the Pocomoke
Bridge Company and such notification of the County Commissioners of
each of said counties, this Act shall become binding and effective as a
contract between the County Commissioners of Somerset County and the
County Commissioners of Worcester County on the one part, and the Po-
comoke Bridge Company of the other part, for a full period of twenty
years from the date of said acceptance by the Pocomoke Bridge Company
of the provisions of this Act, and no longer, and all of said moneys shall
be levied and paid over annually during said period of twenty years, and
no longer, and the said drawbridge shall be used free of toll by the resi-
dents and non-resident taxpayers of the said counties, and their beasts
and vehicles, for said twenty years, and no longer; but the Pocomoke
Bridge Company, notwithstanding their acceptance of this Act, may at
the completion of said twenty years resume the collection of lawful tolls
for all persons, beasts and vehicles passing over the said drawbridge in
all respects as if this Act had never been passed, but the County Commis-
sioners of Somerset County and the County Commissioners of Worcester
County shall have power at the completion of said term of twenty years
to enter into such agreement with the Pocomoke Bridge Company, its suc-
cessors and assigns for the use of said bridge, free from tolls, for the resi-
dents of their respective counties, as they may think proper, and may levy
all sums which they may see fit to contract to pay in consideration of the
free use of the same upon the taxable property of their respective counties.
1906, ch. 214.
22. The County Commissioners of Somerset County are hereby au-
thorized and empowered, if in their discretion they shall deem it necessary
for the convenience of the public, to build a bridge over "King's Creek"
in said county, of such a width as in their discretion may be necessary,
and of such heighth and structure as may be sufficient to allow the passage
thereunder or through of such boats as have been accustomed to navigate
the said "King's Creek" at the place of said bridge; the said bridge to be