4360 ARTICLE 19.
1908, oh. 332, sec. 1 (p. 999).
198. The sheriff of St. Mary's county or his jailor, upon the demand
of the bailiff of any incorporated town in said county, or of any supervisor
of any public road of said county, or other person duly authorized to
superintend the repairing of the public streets of said town, or the public
roads of said county, is hereby authorized and required to deliver to such
person or official, any male prisoner over sixteen years of age, or under
fifty years of age, who may be confined in said jail under sentence imposed
by the Circuit Court or any justice of the peace of said county, in any
case of drunkenness, disorderly conduct, disturbing the public peace,
vagrancy, petty larceny, carrying concealed weapons, gaming or playing
at crap, in order that said bailiff or supervisor or other official in charge
of said public streets or highways may employ such prisoner on the public
roads of St. Mary's county, or on the public streets of any incorporated
town of said county.
1908, oh. 332, sec. 2 (p. 989).
199. The employment provided for in the preceding section shall be
performed, if within the corporate limits of any incorporated town, under
the supervision and discretion of the Town Commissioners and bailiff of
such town, and if on the public roads of St. Mary's county, then under
the direction and supervision of the County Commissioners or the road
supervisor of any district who may be authorized by the County Com-
missioners to work same, and the labor performed by such prisoners may
include every service necessary for the purpose of draining, grading,
shelling, paving or repairing such public streets or other highways of St.
Mary's county within or without the limits of any incorporated town
1908, ch. 332, sec. 3 (p. 989).
200. The officer or other person having such prisoners in charge shall
have the power and authority to compel such labor, and shall be responsible
for the safety and return to prison of such convicts to the custody of the
sheriff at the end of each day's labor, which day's labor shall be within
the discretion of the officer or other person so supervising at the time,
but shall not exceed ten hours' work or labor for any day he may be so
employed; no prisoner shall be employed to perform such labor whose
health is not in a condition to allow the same, and the certificate of the
physician to the jail shall be sufficient to excuse such labor.
1908, ch. 332, sec. 4 (p. 989).
201. If any officer or other person having such prisoner in charge for
the performance of such work or labor, connive at or by his wilful neglect,
permit the escape of any such prisoner, he shall be guilty of a misde-
meanor and upon indictment and conviction of such offense in the Circuit
Court for St. Mary's county, be fined not less than twenty dollars ($20.00)
or more than fifty.