services in regard to the laying out and construction of said roads and
bridges, and an engineer or surveyor, they are hereby authorized to do so,
provided, always that the service so to be performed shall be given in
preference to the county surveyor of said county, and if they so find it
necessary the said surveyor or engineer shall be paid for such services a
sum not exceeding four ($4.00) dollars per day for the time in which he
shall be so employed.
1912, ch. 209, sec. 10.
195. All roads built under the provisions of this act shall have a sur-
face of eighteen feet in width exclusive of ditches or drains, on which
shall be placed gravel or gravel and clay, as the Board of Road Commis-
sioners in their discretion may deem best according to the nature of the
soil, not less than ten feet in width and six inches in depth, and all bridges
and culverts hereafter to be built in permanent road construction, shall
be made of iron, steel or concrete and the said road commissioners are
hereby directed to commence their permanent road building in their
respective district on the three notched road, and complete the same from
the present State road in the fifth election district, to the ridge, in the
first election district, and after the completion of said three notched road,
as herein specified, then to proceed to construct the mail roads, and the
roads leading to the principal wharves in the several districts.
1912, ch. 209, sec. 11.
196. The Board of Road Commissioners as provided for by this act,
shall have authority to sell or dispose of any mules or equipment, when
the road building in said county has been so far advanced as to render
the whole amount of teams and equipment unnecessary for the economical
working of the road, and the money received from the sale of said team
or equipment, shall be placed to the credit of the road fund of said county,
and the said road commissioners shall have authority to reduce the number
of laborers and discontinue the employment of road forces, when, in their
judgment, they are no longer necessary.*
1916, ch. 446.
197. The County Commissioners of St. Mary's County be authorized,
empowered and directed to have made and erected sign boards, on which
shall be a hand pointing towards the one town or place, and from the
other town or place, together with the names of the places and number of"
miles apart, all designated in large enough type to be seen by travelers
at a, distance of not less than fifty yards.
These signboards are to be placed on the principal main roads of the
County, at such towns, points, crossroads and forks, as will serve for the
convenience of public traffic.
*Sec. 13, ch. 209, 1912, repealed all laws inconsistent therewith.