1914, ch. 114. 1927, ch. 617.
202. The Commissioners of St Mary's County, Maryland, are hereby
authorized and directed to levy and pay to St. Mary's Hospital, Leonard-
town, Maryland, a sum of not more than one dollar and fifty ($1.50) per
day for each and every indigent or free patient placed in said hospital by
the County Commissioners or their Clerk by their authority.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 19, sec. 105. 1878, ch. 147. 1896, ch. 64. 1900, ch. 191.
1902, ch. 437. 1920, ch. 154.
203. The sheriff of St. Mary's County shall receive for keeping each
prisoner committed to his custody, and for providing victuals and fire for
each prisoner the sum of seventy-five cents per day; and he shall be al-
lowed for removing convicts to the penitentiary, house of correction, re-
formatory or insane asylum the following compensation, and no one but
the sheriff or one of his regularly appointed deputies shall carry any
person to said institution, to wit: For a single prisoner, thirty dollars;
and for each additional prisoner convicted at the same term of Court, ten
dollars; and for delivering the ballot boxes, registration books and other
election supplies the sum of four dollars for each voting district or pre-
cinct in said county, and no greater sum; and the said sheriff is hereby
required under a penalty of one hundred dollars to keep a book at his
office, or at the county jail, in which he shall keep a record of the names,
ages and dates when received, the offense charged, the date of discharge
and the reason thereof, of all persons committed to his custody, which book
shall be open to inspection by all persons interested.
1890, ch. 348.
204. Every sheriff elected in St. Mary's county shall, within thirty
days after his commission has been received by the clerk of the county,
make the declaration of religious belief required by the constitution, and
also take the oath therein prescribed before such clerk; he shall also before
he acts as sheriff give bond to the State of Maryland in the penalty of
ten thousand dollars, with security to be approved by the judge of the
circuit court for St. Mary's county, with condition that he shall well and
faithfully execute the office of sheriff of St. Mary's county in all things
appertaining thereto, and shall well and truly perform all the duties re-
quired by law to be by him performed.
1920, ch. 462. 1927, ch. 547.
205. The Sheriff of St. Mary's County shall be allowed two dollars
and fifty cents for serving a warrant and making arrest and one dollar
for serving summons and return.