4358 ARTICLE 19.
the public roads and bridges of said county and no greater amount shall
be levied. All moneys derived from the sale of bonds and all moneys now
levied or hereafter to be levied for the use of the public roads and bridges
of St. Mary's county under the provisions of this act shall be distributed
among the three road commissioner districts according to the road mileage
of the said commissioner districts.
1912, ch. 209, sec. 8.
193. The County Commissioners are hereby directed and required
within thirty days from the passage of this act to sell twenty-five thousand
dollars of bonds provided for in this act, and to pay over to the Board of
Road Commissioners as soon as received, the full amount realized from
the sale of said bonds, the cost of printing and engraving said bonds,
advertising the same, and all other costs attached to the issuing and sale of
said bonds, to be paid by the County Commissioners from the ordinary
county funds, and the said Board of Road Commissioners from the pro-
ceeds thereof, to immediately thereafter purchase road equipment and ma-
chinery as follows: One gasoline road-roller of minimum weight, not less
than eight mules for each road commissioner district and such harness,
split log-drags, carts, hoes, plows, picks, shovels, scoops, scrapes and other
machinery and equipment as may be necessary for a thorough working of
the roads by a sufficient number of men. Provided, that all moneys
received from the sale of the bonds provided for in this act and all moneys
received for wormout or useless equipment shall be placed to the credit of
the Board of Road Commissioners in some national bank in St. Mary's
county so that interest can be obtained; the same to be known as a road
fund and no part of said fund shall be used for any other purpose than
the purchase of equipment or machinery, salaries, labor, provender or
other running expenses for the working or building the roads and bridges,
and the County Commissioners of said county are hereby directed to turn
over to said Board of Road Commissioners within twenty days after the
organization of the Board of Road Commissioners all road machinery,
tools and implements in the possession of the County Commissioners, and
the said Board of County Commissioners are hereby directed and required
to turn over to the said Board of Road Commissioners the usual sum now
levied, six thousand ($6,000) dollars, which amount shall be annually
levied as heretofore provided by law for the use of county roads, which
moneys shall be deposited in some national bank in said county where
interest can be obtained if possible, subject to the credit of the Board of
Road Commissioners in a separate account to be used exclusively for the
repairing of such roads and bridges as have not been designated by the
State Road Commission or selected by the Board of Road Commissioners
of said county for permanent road building.
1912, ch. 209, sec. 9.
194. If the said Board of Road Commissioners shall find it necessary
at any time for the proper construction of said roads and bridges to
employ an engineer or surveyor to lay out, make plans and perform other