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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 4354   View pdf image (33K)
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4354 ARTICLE 19.

1912, oh. 209, sec. 3.

189. For the purpose of this act Saint Mary's county is hereby divided
into three road commission districts to be known as road districts number

one, two and three. Road district number one shall embrace the first,
second, eighth and ninth election districts. Road district number two shall

embrace the third and sixth election districts and road district number
three shall embrace the fourth, fifth and seventh election districts, as the
said election districts were constituted January first, 1912; and the fol-
lowing persons are hereby appointed by this act to serve two years from
the first day of May, 1912, until the first day of May, 1914, or until their
successors are elected and qualified.

To be road commissioner for the first commissioner district for Saint
Mary's county, Cleveland Raley, of St. Inigoes, Md.

To be road commissioner for the second commissioner district for Saint
Mary's county, G. Claude Abell, of Hollywood, Md.

To be road commissioner for the third commissioner district for Saint
Mary's county, William F. Herbert, of Dynard, Md.

And it is hereby provided that no two road commissioners shall be

elected or appointed from the same commissioner district, and whenever
a vacancy shall occur in the said Board of Road Commissioners on account
of death, resignation or removal, the Governor shall appoint some qualified
person from the same commissioner district where said vacancy may occur
to serve until his successor shall be elected and qualified; and any member

of said board may be removed by the Governor upon written charges, after
a hearing, provided such charges have been sustained and the Governor
believes that the commissioner so charged should be removed.

The road commissioners as provided for in this act, whether appointed

or elected by the voters of said county, shall devote his whole time to his
duties as road commissioner and give his personal supervision daily during
the entire working hours to the management and direction of the working
force of his road district, and shall receive a salary of six hundred dollars
per annum, payable monthly, and shall not receive any other remunera-
tion, directly or indirectly, by reason of his position.

At the general election held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday
in November, 1913, and every two years thereafter, the legally qualified
voters of Saint Mary's county shall elect three road commissioners for
said county, who must be legal residents of the county. At said election
in 1913, and every two years thereafter, the board of election supervisors
for Saint Mary's county shall cause the names of the duly nominated can-
didates for road commissioners to be printed on the official ballots so as
to give each legally qualified voter of Saint Mary's county full opportu-
nity to vote for three candidates for road commissioners at said election
which road commissioners shall constitute the Board of Road Commis-
sioners and their term of office shall begin at the expiration of the terms

of office of their predecessors and shall continue for two years or until
their successors may be elected and qualified, when their office and all


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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 4354   View pdf image (33K)
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