records, funds and property under their control shall be turned over to
their successors.
1912, ch. 209, sec. 4.
190. The Board of Road Commissioners shall have supervision over
all public highways and bridges except State roads and State-aid roads,
shall open and construct new roads and bridges and close old ones where
deemed advisable, following the provisions of the Code of Public Gen-
eral Laws relating to the opening and closing of public roads, and shall
work the roads from the first day of March to the first day of November,
and shall haul gravel and do any other work for the improvement of the
roads, except grading, that they may deem practicable from the first day
of November until the first day of March. They shall regulate the hours,
of labor and the wages of labor providing that the hours of labor and the
wages of all employees shall be uniform in each road commissioner district
and shall not exceed the usual wages paid to laborers for such work; nor
shall any road commissioner delegate any part of his authority nor employ
any person to supervise or oversee the work on his road except in case
of unavoidable absence or sickness; provided, however, that nothing in
this act shall prevent the road commissioners of the respective road com-
missioner districts to designate road bosses to do repair work in their
respective road commissioner district out of the levy provided for road
repairs in Saint Mary's county.
The road commissioners shall purchase all road machinery, rollers,
carts, wagons, mules, feed "splitlog drags" and other implements and
things necessary to properly work the roads and build bridges and cul-
verts and shall have power to sell all worn-out or useless equipment at
public sale for cash upon ten days' notice by advertisement in a county
newspaper. They shall have the right to purchase or lease gravel banks-
or otherwise acquire desirable material for road construction and repair
and shall have the right to condemn land for such purpose or for the pur-
pose of widening or straightening roads as land is now condemned by the
county commissioners under the provisions of Section 145 of Article 25
of the Code of Public General Laws of 1924. They may employ clerical
help and an attorney at not exceeding three hundred dollars per annum.
Each road commissioner shall have sole power and authority over the
actual working of the road and building and repair of bridges in his road
commissioner district, and shall employ and discharge all labor and shall
be responsible for all machinery and equipment in his road commissioner
It shall be the duty of the road commissioner of each road commis-
sioner district to keep in a book to be provided for that purpose by the
Board of Road Commissioners, a full, complete, accurate and easily under-
stood account of all money expended by him in each of the several elec-
tion districts of his road commissioner district, which account must specify
the name of the person to whom the money was paid, the date and the
purpose for which it was paid and the amount thereof, and this book shall