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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 4347   View pdf image (33K)
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P. L. L. 1888. Art. 19. sec. 100. 1878, ch. 499. 1894, ch. 564. 1896, ch. 93.

1898. ch. 153. 1902, ch. 354. 1904, ch. 407, sec. 100.

1908, oh. 381, sec. 100 (p. 986).

173. The County Commissioners of St. Mary's county are authorized
and empowered to control and regulate the public roads and bridges in said
county, subject to the provisions of this Act.

1908, ch. 381, sec. 101 (p. 986).

174. The County Commissioners shall provide in their levy of 1908
a sufficient sum of money to pay all indebtedness on account of roads, and
shall then and annually thereafter levy a sum not less than six thousand
nor more than ten thousand dollars for the building and repair of said
roads in any one year; provided, that nothing in this section shall prevent
the Commissioners from levying an additional amount to build any bridge
the cost of which will be one hundred dollars or more.

1904, ch. 407, sec. 102. 1908, ch. 381, sec. 102 (p. 987).

175. The County Commissioners shall, so soon after each annual levy
as practicable, apportion the sum so levied for public roads among the
several election districts and precincts of the county in exact proportion
to the assessed basis of each district and precinct.

1904, ch. 407, sec. 103. 1908, ch. 381, sec. 103 (p. 987).

176. The said County Commissioners are further authorized and em-
powered to purchase in such manner and on such terms as they may
deem best all needful machinery and teams which may be recommended
by the road engineer, hereinafter provided, and deemed by them advisable.

1908, ch. 381, sec. 103A (p. 987).

177. The County Commissioners of St. Mary's county shall, at their
first meeting in May, 1908, appoint some competent person as road
engineer, who shall have sufficient knowledge of civil engineering to
enable him to accurately make surveys and specifications for the grading,
draining, maintenance, repairs and reconstruction of the public roads of
said county, and also to do the necessary engineering work for the building
or rebuilding of bridges, at a salary of not less than six hundred nor more
than one thousand dollars a year, payable monthly; and said County
Commissioners shall make such appointments without any reference what-
ever to the political opinions of the person appointed.

See sec. 181.

1908, ch. 381, sec. 103B (p. 987).

178. The County Commissioners shall, at their first meeting in May,
1908, and as often thereafter as shall be necessary by reason of a vacancy
from any cause, appoint one supervisor for each election district and
precinct of the county, said supervisor in all cases being selected with


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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 4347   View pdf image (33K)
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