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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 4348   View pdf image (33K)
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4348 ARTICLE 19.

special regard to their knowledge and skill in directing road work, and
subject to the approval of the road engineer and to dismissal by him at
any time for incompetency or neglect of duty. The compensation for
said supervisors shall be one dollar and twenty-five cents ($1.25) per day,
and for all laborers who shall be employed by the road engineer or the
supervisors, subject to the approval of the engineer, one dollar a day; and
provided, that the engineer or supervisor shall in no case employ any per-
son or persons to be paid a greater amount without first obtaining the
written consent of the County Commissioners.

1908, ch. 381, sec. 103C (p. 987).

179. The county road engineer shall reside in St. Mary's county dur-
ing the term of his office, and shall have entire charge, control and super-
vision of the working, repairing and reconstructing of the public roads
and bridges in St. Mary's county, except such road as is sought to be
constructed by the State in said county, and shall make all specifications
for the building of new roads and bridges; he shall employ such help,
teams and implements as he may deem necessary for the working, repair-
ing and reconstructing said roads and bridges, to be paid by the County
Commissioners. He shall have charge and control of all teams, carts,
wagons and other machinery and implements which may be purchased
by the County Commissioners for the use of said roads. He shall appear
before the Commissioners at the first meeting in each month and make a
statement to them of the work done and money expended; he shall examine
and certify to the correctness of all bills and accounts for any work done
or materials furnished on any of the public roads or bridges in St. Mary's
county before the same shall be paid by the County Commissioners, and
said County Commissioners shall make no payment until such accounts
have been certified by said engineer. The said county road engineer shall
not be interested in any firm or corporation from which anything shall
be purchased for the use of said roads or bridges, nor receive any commis-
sion on said purchase.

See sec. 184.

1908, ch. 381, sec. 103D (p. 988).

180. Whenever any person or persons shall desire to improve any
public road in said county to an extent beyond that contemplated by the
county road engineer, they may make application to the County Com-
missioners by petition, setting forth the location of the road to be im-
proved, the extent and character of the improvement and the probable
cost thereof, and the said County Commissioners shall thereupon order
the county road engineer to examine the location and purpose set forth
in the petition, and if he shall be of the opinion that the public interest
will be promoted thereby he shall report his determination to the County
Commissioners, setting forth his reasons for such determination and an
estimate of the cost of such improvements, and if the County Commis-
sioners shall approve the report of the said county road engineer they shall
direct the expenditure of any amount not to exceed one-half of the total


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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 4348   View pdf image (33K)
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