penalties provided in the preceding Sections of this Act. Nothing in this
Section is to be construed to prevent the sale by a regular druggist or
pharmacist of wine to be used for sacramental purposes solely.
1914, ch. 851, sec. 7.
137. All places where intoxicating liquor is sold in violation of any
provision of this Act shall be taken and held and are declared to be com-
mon nuisances and may be abated as such; and it shall be part of the
judgment, upon the conviction of the keeper, that the place where liquor
is found to have been sold contrary to this Act be shut up and abated
until the keeper shall give bond, with sufficient security to be approved
by the court, in the penal sum of Five Hundred ($500) Dollars, payable
to the State of Maryland, conditioned that he will not sell intoxicating
liquor contrary to law, and will pay all fines, costs and damages assessed
against him for any violation thereof; and in case of a violation of the
condition of such bond, suit may bo brought and recovery had thereon
for the use of St. Mary's County, for any fine or fines that may be assessed
against him under this Act.
1914, ch. 851, sec. 8.
138. All prosecutions for violations of this Act, which are hereby de-
clared to be misdemeanors, may be either upon presentment or indictment,
or by trial before a Justice of the Peace having criminal jurisdiction, who
shall have jurisdiction original and concurrent with the Circuit Court for
St. Mary's County; and the said Justice of the Peace shall have the power
to issue all process, and to do all acts which may be necessary to the exer-
cise of his said jurisdiction, and may try and determine all cases whereof
he may have jurisdiction, and may pronounce judgment and sentence there-
in in the same manner and to the same extent as the Circuit Court for
St. Mary's County could do in such cases, if such cases were tried before
said court without the intervention of a jury; provided, however, that if
any person, when brought before any justice having jurisdiction of the
case, shall, before trial for the alleged offense pray a jury trial, or if the
State's Attorney for said County shall, before trial of such alleged offense,
pray a jury trial on the part of the State, it shall be the duty of such
justice to commit such alleged offender for trial or to hold him to bail to
appear for trial in the Circuit Court of St. Mary's County if it be in
session, or at its next session, if it be not in session, and to return said
commitment or recognizance with the names and residence of the witnesses
for the prosecution endorsed thereon, forthwith to the clerk of said Court;
and the justice before whom the case is brought shall in every such case
inform the person charged of his right to pray a jury trial.
1914, ch. 851, sec. 9.
139. In all prosecutions under this Act, by indictment or otherwise,
it. shall not be necessary to state the kind of liquor sold.; nor to describe
the place where sold; nor to show the knowledge of the principal to con-