4336 ARTICLE 19.
pounding of which brandy, high wines or alcohol or any spirituous or fer-
mented liquors shall be an ingredient, with intent to sell or give away the
same in violation of the provisions of the preceding Sections, or with
intent that the same shall be bartered or sold or given away in violation
thereof within the limits of said County.
1914, ch. 851, sec. 5.
135. If any person or persons, house, company, association, club or
body corporate, shall violate any of the provisions of the preceding Sec-
tions within the limits of St. Mary's County, he, she, it or they shall, upon
conviction thereof for the first offense, forfeit and pay a fine of not less
than fifty dollars nor more than two hundred or imprisoned in the County
jail or the Maryland House of Correction for not less than thirty days nor
more than six months, or both so fined and imprisoned in the discretion
of the Court. And upon conviction thereof for the second and each subse-
quent violation, shall be fined not less than one hundred dollars nor more
than five hundred dollars and imprisoned in the County jail or confined
in the Maryland House of Correction for not less than three months nor
more than one year.
1914, ch. 851, sec. 6.
136. Nothing in this Act shall be construed to forbid or prevent the
sale within St. Mary's County by a druggist or pharmacist of liquor for
medicinal or sacramental purposes only, or of alcohol for medicinal, chem-
ical or mechanical purposes only, not to be drunk upon the premises under
any circumstances, provided that such regular druggist or pharmacist shall,
in good faith, keep a true and exact record in the book which he shall
provide for the purpose in which shall be entered at the time of any sale
of intoxicating liquor, or any mixture of the same made by him, or in or
about his place of business to all persons whatsoever, the date of such
sale, the name of the purchaser, who shall also sign his name in said book
as a part of said entry and his residence, the kind, quantity, price of such
liquor and the purposes for which it was sold and when the sale is for
medicinal purposes, the book shall also contain the name of the physician
issuing the prescription therefor such prescription shall be cancelled by
writing on it "Cancelled" and the date on which it was presented and
filled, and kept on file. No prescription shall be filled a second time.
Such book shall be open to inspection by the State's Attorney, Justice of
the Peace, having criminal jurisdiction, Judge of the Circuit Court,
Sheriff or Constable. And it shall be unlawful for any druggist to sell
any intoxicating liquors to any person unless they have a prescription of
a bona fide practicing physician in said County or the said person for
whom application for liquor is made is actually sick and such liquor is
absolutely required for medicinal purposes and delay may be dangerous to
the patient. And any druggist or pharmacist or any person for them,
who shall violate any of the provisions of this Section, shall be guilty of
unlawful selling, and upon conviction, shall be subject to the fines and