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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 4335   View pdf image (33K)
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drinks in said County, shall have printed on the official ballots cast or
used at said election the words "For License"—"Against License" in the
same manner prescribed by Section 64 of Article 33 of the Code of
Public General Laws of 1924 and the ballots cast "For License" and the
ballots cast "Against License" shall be carefully counted by the judges of
said elections in the various polling places in said County as provided by
law and the number of ballots cast "For License" and the ballots cast
"Against License" shall be certified by them, and the Supervisors of
Elections of said County shall, as soon as conveniently may be after re-
ceiving and canvassing all the ballots cast "For License" and "Against
License" in St. Mary's County after said election proclaim the result of
said election and publish such proclamation in some newspaper or news-
papers published in said County and shall record in a well-bound book
to be kept in their office by them and their successors, the result of the
vote upon said proposition and such result may be proved in all courts
and in all proceedings by such record or by the official certificate of the
Supervisors of Elections.*

1914, ch. 851, sec. 3.

133. If it shall appear from the record or certificate of the Super-
visors of Elections that a majority of the legal voters voting upon said
proposition voted "Against License" it shall not be lawful after the first
day of May, 1916, for any person or persons, house, company, association,
club, body corporate or manufacturer of intoxicating liquors of any kind
to barter or sell, directly or indirectly or to solicit, or to receive orders for
the purchase of, at any place within the limits of St. Mary's County or
to give away at his, hers, its or their place of business within the limits
of said County, any spirituous, fermented or malt liquors or alcoholic
bitters or intoxicating drinks of any kind, including whiskey, brandy, rum,
gin, wine, ale, beer and all other fermented, malt or distilled liquors and
any mixture of liquors which shall contain more than 2 per cent, by weight
of alcohol and any mixture of liquors which shall contain less than 2 per
cent, of alcohol, if the same shall be intoxicating, or any article, used or
sold as a beverage in the compostion of which whiskey, brandy, high wines
or alcohol or any spirituous or fermented liquors shall be an ingredient,
nor shall any license be granted for the sale of the same in said County,
and if such license is issued it shall be void. Provided, that this Section
shall not apply to sales made by a person under a provision of law requir-
ing him to sell personal property.

1914, ch. 851, sec. 4.

134. It shall be unlawful for any person, house, company, manufac-
turer, association, club or body corporate to deposit, keep or have in his,
her or its possession any spirituous, fermented or malt liquors or alcoholic
bitters or intoxicating drinks of any kind, including cider, beer, schnapps,
gin or any article used or sold as a beverage in the composition or com-

*The vote in August, 1915, was: "For License," 1,111, and "Against License," 1,669.


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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 4335   View pdf image (33K)
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