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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 4334   View pdf image (33K)
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4334 ARTICLE 19.

and the said justice shall have power to issue all process and do all acts
which may be necessary to the exercise of his said jurisdiction and may
try and determine all cases whereof he may have jurisdiction and may
pronounce judgment and sentence therein in the same manner and to the
same extent as the Circuit Court for St. Mary's County could do in such
cases if such cases were tried before said court without the intervention
of a jury; provided however that if any person when brought before any
such justice having jurisdiction of the case shall before trial for the al-
leged offense pray a jury trial or if the State's Attorney for said county
shall before trial of such alleged offense pray a jury trial on the part of
the State it shall be the duty of any such justice to commit such alleged
offender for trial or to hold him to bail to appear for trial in the Circuit
Court of St. Mary's County and to return such commitment or recog-
nizance with the names and the residences of the witnesses for the prose-
cution endorsed thereon, forthwith to the clerk of the Circuit Court for
St. Mary's County and the justice before whom the case is brought shall
in all such cases inform the person charged of his right to a trial by jury.

1914, ch. 348, sec. 3.

130. One-half of all fines imposed for the violation of the provisions
of this Act shall be paid to the informer and the balance shall be applied
to the fund for the maintenance of the public schools of said county.

1914, ch. 851, sec. 1.

131. The question whether or not any person or persons, house or
company, association or body corporate, may be licensed in St. Mary's
County of this State, by which or in which spirituous, fermented or malt
liquors or intoxicating drinks may be sold; or whether or not licenses to
sell the same in said County shall be issued, shall be submitted to the reg-
istered and qualified voters of St. Mary's County on the first Tuesday
after the first Monday in August, nineteen hundred and fifteen, at the
election to be held therein, and the Supervisors of Election of said County,
shall, at least, three weeks previous to the day of said election cause pub-
lic notice to be given of the submission of said question by publication of
said notice in two papers of said County; also by printed hand bills con-
taining said notice to be posted at the most public places within each elec-
tion district of said County. And the County Commissioners of said
County shall pay for the publishing of said notice and for printing of
said hand bills in the same manner and out of the same funds that other
expenses of said election are paid; but if for any reason said notice shall
not be given or not given in the manner herein prescribed, such failure
shall not affect the validity of this Act or operate to prevent its taking

1914, ch. 851, sec. 2.

132. The ballots cast at said election to be counted as deciding for and
against the sale of spirituous, fermented or malt liquors or intoxicating


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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 4334   View pdf image (33K)
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