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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 4306   View pdf image (33K)
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4306 ARTICLE 19.


P. L. L., 1888, Art. 19, sec. 25. 1860, Art. 18, sec. 31. 1900, ch. 237...1902, ch. 346.
1906, ch. 752. 1912, ch. 225, sec. 25.

60. At the general election held on the first Tuesday after the first
Monday in November every second year, accounting from the year 1901,
there shall be elected a county treasurer for St. Mary's County by the
qualified voters of said county, who shall hold his office for two years,* and
until his successor is elected and qualified, to be subject to removal for
wilful neglect of duty or misdemeanor in office upon conviction in a Court
of law; he shall not be eligible to re-election until after an interval of one
full term and until he shall have fully settled up all business connected
with his former term; and until such election can be held under the provi-
sions of this section J. Marshall Dent, Esq., of said county, be and he is
hereby appointed, authorized and empowered to act as such treasurer, and
to exercise all the powers and to perform all the duties imposed by this
section and the law of this State; he shall hold said office for the period
of two years from the first Monday in the month of July, in the year 1900,
and until his successor shall be duly elected and qualified; and the persons
elected to said office under the provisions of this section, shall hold the
same for two years from the first Monday in August succeeding their
election; and the said J. Marshall Dent or or his successor in said office
of Treasurer of St. Mary's County, may appoint some person, a resident
of said county, to be assistant treasurer, who shall be authorized to act in
his place, and for whose act he shall be responsible, and he shall give such
bond to said treasurer conditioned for the faithful performance of his duty
as the said treasurer may require; said assistant treasurer to be paid by
the county treasurer out of the salary and commissions allowed to him for
the collection of county and State taxes in St. Mary's county. The County
Commissioners of said county shall provide the said treasurer with proper
stationery, books, blanks and other necessary appointments for an office,.
which office they shall always provide and furnish in the Town of Leonard-
town; and the treasurer appointed by this section and those to be hereafter
elected shall receive an annual salary of twelve hundred dollars, to be paid
monthly by the County Commissioners of said county, and shall also be
allowed the commissiou allowed by Article 81 of the Code of Public Gen-
eral Laws, title "Revenue and Taxes," for the collection of State taxes;
and the treasurer shall receive twenty-five cents for every one hundred
dollars' worth of new and unassessed property not already on the assessment
books assessed by him and ordered by the County 'Commissioners to be en-
tered on the books of their office; and before he enters upon the discharge of
the duties of his said office as treasurer, he and his successors in office shall
take and subscribe before the clerk of the Circuit Court the oath prescribed
by Section 6 of Article 1 of the Constitution of Maryland; and shall exe-
cute to the State of Maryland two bonds, one in the penalty of fifteen
thousand dollars, conditioned for the proper collection and payment to the
State Comptroller of all State taxes placed in his hands for collection, and
another in the penalty of twenty-five thousand dollars, conditioned for the

*Under Art. 17 of Md. Constitution term is now four years.


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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 4306   View pdf image (33K)
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