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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 4307   View pdf image (33K)
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proper collection and disbursement of all moneys coming into his hands
for the county, and the faithful performance of other duties devolving
upon him; such bonds to be approved as bonds of the sheriffs of the respec-
tive counties of this State are approved and to be recorded in the office of
the Clerk of the Circuit Court for St. Mary's County, and a copy of said
State bond shall be forwarded to the State Comptroller as soon as the orig-
inal shall have been recorded, as above required. All county collectors of
St. Mary's County now having taxes on hand for collection for which their
bond is responsible, shall complete said collection and turn over the money
so collected to the County Commissioners of the said county, except such
sums as may bo subject to orders heretofore given on said collection by the
County Commissioners for said county.

1900, ch. 237, sec. 25A. 1902, ch. 346, sec. 25A. 1906, ch. 752, sec. 25A.
1912, ch. 225, sec. 25A.

61. The said treasurer shall keep his office in Leonardtown open from
ten o'clock in the morning until three o'clock in the afternoon every work-
ing day, for the purpose of receiving and disbursing taxes as directed by
law, and shall also attend in person or by deputy in some point in each
election district of said county one day each in the month of June, August
and October of each year, and of each sitting he shall give notice by adver-
tising in two newspapers published in said county and by handbills posted
up in three public places in each of such election districts, stating when
and the place where he will be in each of said districts for collecting and
receiving said taxes; for all taxes after the first day of September succeed-
ing the day of their levy, due, and unpaid, there shall be interest charged
at the rate of six per cent, per annum; and to enforce the collection of
taxes it shall only be necessary for him to notify generally delinquents by
advertisement in one or more newspapers published in St. Mary's County,
and by handbills posted in three or more public places in each election
district of said county, that their taxes are due and in arrears, and that un-
less they are paid, with all interest and costs, within twenty days from
the date of such notice, their property, if it be real estate, will be sold as
provided for by law without any levy or appraisement; and after giving
at least thirty days' notice of the time, terms and place of sale of such
real estate, which place shall be at the Court House door in Leonardtown,
by advertisement in the St. Mary's Beacon and the St. Mary's Enterprise,
being two newspapers published in said county, he shall proceed to sell
at the advertised sale mentioned, by public auction, the property for cash
to the highest bidder, retaining out of the proceeds of such sale the amount
of the taxes due from such delinquent with interest thereon, together with
the costs incurred in making such sale and the advertisement thereof, which
advertisement shall not exceed two dollars for each delinquent, or one dol-
lar to each of the two newspapers advertising the same for each delinquent,
and he shall pay the surplus, if any, as hereinafter provided. But the
notice herein provided for shall not be made before the first day of Jan-
uary following the year of the levy, and that the advertisement of sale shall
not be made before the first day of February in the said year following


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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 4307   View pdf image (33K)
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