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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 4305   View pdf image (33K)
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evidence of said transfer, shall stamp upon the deed his certificate thereof,
and no deed shall be received for record without said certificate. At the
time of submitting the deed to the Clerk of the County Commissioners
the person or persons offering the same shall furnish said clerk with a
statement of the buildings, if any, upon the land conveyed by said deed,
and the price paid for the property. If any deed is presented to the Clerk
of the Circuit Court which has not said certificate attached or stamped
thereon, it shall be the duty of the clerk to the said court to present said
deed to the Clerk of the County Commissioners to have it certified before
recording same. All acts or parts of acts inconsistent herewith are here-
by repealed.

P. L. L., 1888, Art. 19, sec. 32. 1888, ch. 511. 1890, ch. 170, sec. 32. 1922, ch. 513.

58. Such person being elected as aforesaid shall give bond to the State

of Maryland in the penalty of five thousand ($5,000) dollars, with security
to be approved by the County Commissioners, for the true and faithful
performance of his duties, which bond shall be liable for any default by
him or misappropriation of any of the county's or State's money or funds

entrusted to him, and shall be recorded in the office of the clerk of the
Circuit Court for said county; and the County Commissioners of said
county may enter action or actions on said bond for any such default or
misappropriation of funds belonging to said county, and said bond may
be also liable to the State of Maryland for any misappropriation of State
funds or default in the payment thereof.

1896, ch. 187, sec. 34A.

59. At their annual levy-laying term, the County Commissioners of
St. Mary's county shall levy on the assessable property of said county a
sufficient amount to meet and pay all expenditures of said county for each
current year. All taxes shall be due on the first-day of July next suc-
ceeding their levy, but a discount of three per cent, shall be allowed for
taxes paid during the month of July; a discount of two per cent, for
taxes paid during the month of August; and a discount of one per cent,
for taxes paid during the month of September; no discount shall be
allowed on taxes paid in the month of October; and after the first day
of November interest shall be charged at the rate of six per cent, per
annum, the same to be charged at said rate for any fraction of a month
in which they shall remain unpaid; in levying, as herein provided, it
shall be the duty of said commissioners to provide for the payment, in
cash, of the witnesses and jurors attending the sessions of the circuit
court, the bailiff and criers of the circuit court, the bailiff to the orphans'
court, and the messenger to the County Commissioners, and for road pur-
poses, almshouse and out pensioners; where property is advertised at tax
sale, it shall only be necessary to state the name of the owner or party to
whom assessed, the number of acres of land in the tract, the district in
which located, and the amount due; and such advertisement shall not
cost more than one dollar each.


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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 4305   View pdf image (33K)
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