P. L. L., 1888, Art. 18, sec. 252. 1860, Art. 17, sec. 154.
414. All surveys of land in said county, done by authority of law,
may be performed by the surveyor of the county and his deputies, except
where he has a personal interest in the survey.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 18, see. 253. 18-60, Art. 17, sec. 155.
415. All warrants, writs and orders issued from the courts of said
county, under which lands are to be surveyed in said county, may be
directed to and executed by the county surveyor.
1892, ch. 555.
416. Hereafter it shall be unlawful for any person or persons owning
or occupying lands in Queen Anne's County, Maryland, to suffer or per-
mit the weed or plant known as "The Canada Thistle," to grow upon
said land until it comes to bloom or flowers, but it shall be the duty of
every such person or persons to have said weed or plant dug up or cut
down before it comes to bloom or flowers and any and all persons violat-
ing the provisions of this law shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor,
punishable on conviction by a fine of not less than five nor more than ten
dollars for each and every offence, triable before a justice of the peace
of said county with right of appeal, one-half of the fine to go to the in-
former, the other half thereof to the public schools of the county.
1894, ch. 30.
417. Whenever the owner or occupant of any land within the borders
of Queen Anne's county, shall find trespassing upon his, her or their
premises, any dog or dogs not in company with the owner of said dog,
which permission in such case must he first had and obtained from the
owner, owners, occupant or occupants, as the case may be, said dog found
trespassing, and with suspicious intent, the owner or occupant of said land
may shoot or otherwise kill or have killed said dog or dogs, and the owner
of said dog or dogs shall not be permitted to bring action of damage to
recover against the said owner or ocupant of said lands in a court of law;
provided, that this law is not to apply to fox hounds in or returning from
the chase.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 18, sec. 254. 1864, ch. 120.
418.. The county commissioners shall appoint annually, in the month
of April, one judicious, discreet citizen of said county, as keeper of stand-