4282 ARTICLE 18.
ard weights and measures, whose duty it shall be, after giving at least
fourteen days' notice in some newspaper published in said county, of the
times and places, to attend at all towns and villages of said county, with
the weights and measures, and try all the scales, beams, weights and
measures used in buying or selling bv any person or firm, and condemn
such as are deficient, and stamp such as are correct; and who shall also
try all scales, beams, steel-yards or any other instrument used by any
person or firm, or skipper, either in buying, selling or weighing grain,
that may be taken in any granary where grain is received for shipping;
and it is made the duty of every person or firm engaged either in buying,
selling or receiving grain for shipment, to meet the standard keeper at
some one of the places named, with all the steel-yards, scales, beams and
weights used by him or them, and have them tried and stamped.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 18, sec. 255. 1864, ch. 120.
419. The measures and weights used by the standard keeper, shall be
such as are used at the custom-house in the city of Baltimore.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 18, sec. 256. 1864, ch. 120.
420. The county commissioners shall levy on the taxable property of
the county such sums as in their judugment may be a just compensation
for the services of the standard keeper, and direct him where to return the
weights and measures after he shall have used them in his circuit.
P. L. L,., 1888, Art. 18, sec. 257. 1864, ch. 120.
421. In addition to the salary allowed by the county commissioners,
the standard keeper, or clerk to the commissioners, (who, in the absence
of the standard keeper, is empowered to act in his place), shall receive
ten cents for each weight and measure, and fifteen cents for each scale,
beam or steel-yard branded, marked or stamped, to be paid by the person
for whom the service may be rendered.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 18, sec. 258. 1864, ch. 120.
422. Any person or firm who shall use any scale, beam, steel-yard or
any other instrument in violation of this subtitle of this article, shall, on
conviction, before any justice of the peace, having competent jurisdiction,
or before the circuit court, for each offence be fined not less than five nor
more than one hundred dollars, in the discretion of the justice or the
court, one-half to the informed and the residue to the county.
(All local laws relating to Wild Fowl were repealed by ch, 568, 1927. See 1929
Supplement to Annotated Code, Art. 99.)