4280 ARTICLE 18.
the assessment tax books or list of assessed property of the said Commis-
sioners of Sudlersville on the first day of May of each and every year,
commencing with the first day of May, in the year nineteen hundred and
fifteen; and the said Commissioners of Sudlersville shall hereafter have
the exclusive charge and control of the roads, streets and bridges within
the limits of said town of Sudlersville, and the construction and repair
of the same, and said County Commissioners shall not be liable therefor.
And the said Commissioners of Sudlersville shall certify in writing to
the said County Commissioners of Queen Anne's County before the third
Monday in May, nineteen hundred and fifteen, and annually thereafter
on or before the third Monday of May in each year, the total amount of
assessed property, real and personal, subject to taxation by the said Com-
missioners of Sudlersville on the first Monday of May preceding said
third Monday of May.
1912, ch. 396, sec- 1.
411. The Commissioners of Sudlersville, a municipal corporation of
Queen Anne's county, created by and existing under the laws of the State
of Maryland, is hereby empowered and authorized to erect, own and main-
tain within its corporate limits a public hall or building wherein the
officers of said corporation can hold the municipal elections and meetings,
transact the business of said corporation, receive the municipal taxes, and
wherein fire apparatus can be kept, and to contain, in addition to the
rooms required for the above or other municipal purposes, a large hall
or assembly-room, suitable for the holding of public assemblies, lectures,
plays or other entertainments.*
1912, ch. 396, sec. 2.
412. The municipal corporation aforesaid, the Commissioners of Sud-
lersville, be and it is hereby authorized and empowered to acquire by pur-
chase or by condemnation in the manner prescribed by Article 23 of the
Code of Public General Laws of Maryland, title "Corporations," subtitle
"Condemnation of property by corporations," with amendments thereto,
any land within the corporate limits of said municipal corporation upon
which to erect said building.
1912, ch. 396, sec. 5.
413. Said municipal corporation is hereby authorized and empowered
to pass such ordinances as may be necessary for the purposes of this act
and for the management and protection of said public hall or building
and the use of the same.
*Secs. 3, 4 and 6, ch. 396, 1912, authorized $7,000 of bonds and the levy of taxes
to pay interest on and to redeem said bonds.