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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 4274   View pdf image (33K)
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4274 ARTICLE 18.

or compel by fine or otherwise, the owner of any lot to pave or repair the
footways in front thereof, agreeably to the ordinances to be passed by
them; and shall have power to open and establish new streets, lanes and
alleys, and to straighten and widen old streets, lanes and alleys, and to
provide for the payment of damages and expenses incurred by opening,
widening or straightening the streets, lanes and alleys, as aforesaid, by
levying and assessing the same generally upon the whole of the assessable
property of the town, or upon the property of persons to be benefited

1908, ch. 266 (p. 980). 1918, ch. 174. 1927, ch. 149.

402. The corporate limits of the town of Sudlersville are hereby de-
clared to be as follows:

Beginning in the center of the public road leading from Sudlersville
to Church Hill at a point in line with the fence on the eastern side of
the lane entrance to Mrs. Annie R. Sudler's farm and running with the
center of this road North 86 degrees West, 56 feet to a point opposite the
line between the property of W. O. Thomas and Dr. Foster Sudler Estate;
thence with said divisional line South 1 1/4 degrees East, 225 feet six
inches to the rear line of the W. O. Thomas property; thence with the
rear line of the said property North 81 degrees East, 422 feet; thence
South 1/2 degree East, 1,100 feet to the line of the Merrick Home Farm;
thence with the line of the Merrick Farm and the High School property
to a point 203 feet west of the center of the concrete road leading from
Sudlersville to Barclay; thence South 3/4 degree West, 1,009 feet to a
stake in the field of said Merrick farm; thence South 89 degrees East,
across said concrete road and with the divisional line of Dr. C. H. Met-
calf and Dudley G. Roe's lot, and across the property of the Penna. Rail-
road Co. 495 feet to a post in Mrs. Delma Grubb's fence on the eastern
side of said Railroad property; thence North 12 1/4 degrees East, 1,507
feet to a concrete corner post at the intersection of the George-Grubb divi-
sional line with the Penna. Railroad Co.; thence South 82 degrees East
with the divisional line between Jos. M. George's lot and Delma Grubb's
farm, 322 feet to a stake in Delma Grubb's field; thence North 12 1/4
degrees East, 1,212 feet to a post on south side of public road leading
from Sudlersville to Smyrna; thence North 4 degrees East, 1,000 feet to
a stake in the field of Mrs. Austin Roberts' farm; thence North 89%
degrees West, across the property of the Penna. Railroad Co. 1,152 feet
to the northeast corner of Mrs. Austin Roberts' garage; thence North 5
degrees West 200 feet to a stake in Mrs. Roberts' field; thence South 81 1/2
degrees West, 200 feet to the center of the concrete road leading from Sud-
lersville to Millington; thence South 82% degrees West, 284 feet to a
fence post about 18 feet north of the northwest corner of W. W. Morgan's
garage; thence South 7 1/2 degrees East, 1,252 feet to the southwest corner
of George A. Hart's stable; thence South 81 3/4 degrees West, 506 feet
to the fence on the eastern side of the lane to the Annie R. Sudler farm;
thence with said fence, South 4 3/4% degrees West, 188 feet to the place of


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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 4274   View pdf image (33K)
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