be removed from the streets, lanes and alleys thereof, and may provide
for the mending, repairing and cleaning of the same, and shall have power
to prohibit and punish by ordinance the placing of any filth, dirt or other
matter therein, and may also erect lamps in any of the streets, lanes and
alleys of the town, and cause the same to be lighted at public expense, and
may pass all laws and ordinances for the preservation of the health of said
town, and to prevent the introduction of contagious diseases therein, or
within three miles thereof; they shall prohibit the running or riding of
horses or driving of carts, wagons and carriages unreasonably fast in said
town; may regulate and provide for the sweeping of chimneys; prohibit
firing of guns or pistols, the throwing of lighted squibs, fire-crackers,
Roman candles, or any other combustible matter, and the storage of gun-
powder or any combustible matter within the limits of said town, and
make all necessary regulations in reference to wells and pumps therein.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 18, sec. 247. 1870, ch. 313.
400. No person shall keep a dog or bitch in said town without first
obtaining a license from the clerk for that purpose, in the month of May
of each and every year, and paying, at the time of license being granted,
one dollar for every dog, and for every bitch two dollars; and the owner
of every dog or bitch for which a license shall be obtained shall have a
collar put around the neck of said dog or bitch; and every other dog or
bitch found going at large in said town, shall be shot or otherwise de-
stroyed by the bailiff of said town; and if any person shall bring a dog
or bitch into said town after the month of May, in any year, he shall
obtain a license within ten days thereafter, and pay for the same, as here-
inbefore directed, and place a collar around the neck of said dog or bitch,
or otherwise said dog or bitch shall be shot or otherwise destroyed; any
person failing or refusing to comply with this law shall be liable to a fine
of not less than one dollar and fifty cents for each dog, and two dollars
and fifty cents for each bitch brought or kept by him in said town, in
addition to the penalty of having the same shot or otherwise destroyed if
found going at large without a collar about his or her neck.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 18, sec. 248. 1870, ch. 313.
401. The commissioners may pass all laws and ordinances necessary
to give effect and operation to the powers vested in them, and may impose
such fines, penalties and forfeitures for breach of their laws and ordi-
nances as they may think proper, not exceeding five dollars for any one
offence; and said commissioners shall forthwith define and locate the limits
of said town, and cause surveys and plats thereof to be made, and have the
same filed and recorded in the clerk's office for Queen Anne's county, for
reference and safe keeping; and the said commissioners may pass all laws
and ordinances necessary for grading, regulating, paving and repairing
the footways in the streets, lanes and alleys of said town, and impose a
tax on any lot fronting on any street, lane or alley, for the purpose of
grading, regulating, paving and repairing the footways in front thereof,