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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 4198   View pdf image (33K)
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4198 ARTICLE 18.

direction to a point in said stream opposite to a chestnut tree standing
near said stream; thence south in a straight line to the northeast corner
of the Methodist Episcopal church property; thence with the line of said
church property, in a southerly direction, to the property of W. W.
Bowen; thence by and with the lines of W. W. Bowen's property to the
northwest corner of the livery stable property of Mrs. Mary T. Gawl-
throp; thence by a straight line in an easterly direction to the northeast
corner of the lot now owned by Wm. E. Temple, Jr.; thence in a straight
line running south to the north edge of Barcus' mill pond; thence by and
with the north edge of said mill pond and stream to the place of be-

P. L. L., 1888, Art. 18, sec. 91. 1876, ch. 201.

137. The citizens of the town of Church Hill, qualified to vote for
delegates to the general assembly, and who have resided in said town for
three months next preceding, shall elect by ballot, on the first Monday in
June in each year, three persons, who are above the age of twenty-one
years, and who have resided in the town one year preceding the election,
to be commissioners of the town, and to hold their office, after being duly
qualified, for one year, or until their successors are duly elected and

1906, ch. 330.

138. The commissioners of Church Hill, Queen Aune's county, Mary-
land, a body corporate, shall be paid an annual salary of twelve dollars
each as compensation for services rendered as commissioners, to be paid
by the treasurer of the said commissioners of Church Hill out of any
money not otherwise appropriated for the use of the aforesaid corporation.

The commissioners of Church Hill are hereby prohibited from making
an additional tax upon the assessable property of the corporation of Church
Hill for the payment of the annual salary of twelve dollars each to the
commissioners aforesaid, as provided in this section.

P. L. L., 1888, Art. 18, sec. 92. 1876, ch. 201.

139. Said commissioners, or a majority of them, shall be judges of
election; and every commissioner, before proceeding to hold such election,
shall make oath before a duly authorized officer of the law, that he will
faithfully and impartially perform the duties of judge of election, and
permit every person to vote at such election who is qualified and a resident
within the corporate bounds of said town, and prevent any one from
voting who is not a resident within the bounds of the corporation, or who
is otherwise disqualified.

P. L. L., 1888, Art. 18, sec. 93. 1876, ch. 201.

140. Every commissioner, before entering upon the discharge of his
duties as such, shall make oath before some justice of the peace for the
county, that he will, to the best of his abilities, discharge the duties that
may devolve upon him as commissioner.


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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 4198   View pdf image (33K)
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