control over the Chesterfield Cemetery in and near the town of Centre-
ville, Queen Anne's County, State of Maryland, and it is further directed
and empowered to pass all rules and regulations in reference to said ceme-
tery as it now stands or any additions thereto.
1924, oh. 5, sec. 2.
114. The said Town Commissioners of Centreville, a municipal cor-
poration, is hereby authorized, directed and empowered to acquire such
additional land as in its judgment may be necessary to add to the said
Chesterfield Cemetery, and if from any cause the Town Commissioners
of Centreville shall be unable to contract with the owner thereof, the
Town Commissioners of Centreville may apply for a writ of ad quod
damnum to the Clerk of the Circuit Court for Queen Anne's County,
who shall forthwith issue the same, and the sheriff shall execute the said
writ, and return an inquisition describing the land and stating the amount
of damages to be paid to the owner; and the judges of the Circuit Court
for Queen Anne's County may at any time after the return of the inqui-
sition, in term or during recess, hear a motion to confirm such inquisition,
on such notice to the parties as he may direct, and confirm or quash the
same; and if he quashes the inquisition he shall order a new one forth-
with to be taken.*
1912, ch. 29, sec. 1.
115. The Town Commissioners of Centreville, a municipal corpora-
tion, is hereby fully authorized and empowered to construct, erect or ac-
quire by purchase and maintain an electric light, heat and power plant
sufficient for the purpose of properly lighting the streets and alleys of the
town of Centreville, Queen Anne's county, Maryland, and for the purpose
of supplying the citizens, inhabitants and corporations of said town, and
the vicinity of said town within the limits of Queen Anne's county afore-
said, in the discretion of the commissioners of said town, with electricity
in sufficient quantity for their needs in any and all its forms for all pur-
poses; and the word "Plant" employed in this act shall include all lands,
buildings, leases, machinery, engines, poles, wires, artesian wells and other
appliances necessary or advisable in the opinion of the Town Commis-
sioners of Centreville for the production of electrical power and its trans-
mission to the point of consumption, together with the lamps required
for the proper lighting of the streets, alleys and public places of said town
and the vicinity of said town within the limits of Queen Anne's county
*Sec. 3, ch. 5, 1924, authorized town to borrow $5,000 for purchase of additional
land for cemetery.
+Ch. 7, 1924, authorized Centreville to borrow $19,000 for repairs to light plant
(amended by ch. 11, 1927). Oh. 10, 1927, authorized a similar loan.