4190 ARTICLE 18.
the name of the county commissioners; and on refusal to pay said fine and
costs he shall be commited by such justice of the peace to the jail of Queen
Anne's county until the same shall be paid.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 18, sec. 83. 1882, ch. 129.
110. All fines collected under the preceding section shall be paid to the
county commissioners, and they are authorized to use such money for the
purpose of keeping the said sidewalk in repair.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 18, sec. 88. 1888, ch. 1S8.
111. The commissioners are fully authorized to make all necessary
rules and regulations, and to pass all necessary ordinances, with penalties
for their violation, and do all other necessary acts for the proper manag-
ing, maintaining, running and repairing of said water-works, and for the
proper protection and security thereof.*
1902, ch. 565. 1914, ch. 441.
112. The County Commissioners of Queen Anne's County shall, on
or before the first Monday in February, in the year nineteen hunderd
and fifteen, and annually on said day in each year thereafter, pay over
to the Town Commissioners of Centreville, a municipal corporation of
said County, out of taxes collected from the County levy made the year
preceding, a sum of money equal to one-tenth of one per centum of the
total amount of assessed property, real and personal, subject to taxation
by the Town Commissioners of Centreville, according to the assessment
tax books or list of assessed property of the said Town Commissioners
of Centreville on the first day of May of each and every year, commenc-
ing with the first day of May, in the year nineteen hundred and fifteen;
and the said Commissioners of Centreville shall hereafter have the ex-
clusive charge and control of the roads, streets and bridges within the
limits of said town of Centreville, and the construction and repair of the
same, and said County Commissioners shall not be liable therefor. And
the said Town Commissioners of Centreville shall certify in writing to
the said County Commissioners of Queen Anne's County before the third
Monday in May, nineteen hundred and fifteen, and annually thereafter
on or before the third Monday of May in each year the total amount of
assessed property, real and personal, subject to taxation by the said Town
Commissioners of Centreville on the first Monday of May preceding said
third Monday of May.
See sec. 18S.
1924, ch. 5, sec. 1.
113. The said Municipal Corporation, the Town Commisisoners of
Centreville, is hereby authorized and directed to assume full power and
*The other sections of ch. 188, 1888, authorized $20,000 of bonds for construction
of water works. Ch. 225, 1906, authorized bonds to refund the bonds issued under
oh. 188, 1888. Ch. 6, 1924, authorized bonds to refund bonds issued under ch. 225,