to state the name of the person to whom the real estate is assessed, and
shall contain a locatable description of the same, as required by the terms
of Section 68; thereafter the Town Clerk shall proceed as required by
the terms of Section 69.
1914, ch. 439, sec. 59-I.
75. If personal property is levied on, actual possession shall be taken
thereof, and for the purpose of taking actual possession of said personal
property, the Town Clerk is hereby authorized and empowered to enter
upon any premises or into any building in which such personal property
may be, take possession of and remove the same; and it shall be sold for
cash at some convenient and public place within said town of Centreville
after ten days' notice by handbills set up in five public places in said town;
thereafter the Town Clerk shall proceed as required by terms of Section
69. And whenever personal property that has been assessed in said town,
and upon which there are taxes levied and unpaid, and shall be removed
from said town before said tax has been paid, the Town Clerk shall follow
such property and collect the said taxes in the same manner as if the said
property had not been so removed. The Town Clerk shall receive, in
addition to the cost of advertisement, the following fees under this Sec-
tion: levy, $2.00; setting up of notices, $1.00; crying sales, $1.00; report-
ing same, $1.00, and ten per cent, commissions on proceeds of sale.
1914, ch. 439, sec. 59J.
76. The Town Clerk shall be entitled to receive a commission of ten
per cent, on the amount of all sales made by him in pursuance of the pro-
visions of this Article, to be computed and charged as part of the expenses
of such sale; and if before a sale, but after advertisement as aforesaid,
the taxes, interest and expenses chargeable to any property are paid, then
the said Town" Clerk shall be entitled to receive a commission of five per
cent, on the amount of such taxes, interest and costs, as a part of the
cost of collecting the same.
1914, ch. 439, sec. 59K.
77. The real estate of a delinquent taxpayer may be sold to pay the
town taxes, whether there be personal property or not; whenever the Town
Clerk shall deem it unnecessary to sell the entire real property with which
a delinquent taxpayer is assessed, he shall estimate the quantity of which
in his judgment will be sufficient to pay the taxes in arrear, interest and
cost of sale, and shall require the County Surveyor to lay off and make
a plat and description of the same, and the lot so laid off shall be sold
by the plat and description so made, and it shall be sufficient in the adver-
tisement of the list of delinquent taxpayers to mention the quantity of
land to be sold from the property described, "as per plat and description
to be exhibited on day of sale," and the County Surveyor is hereby re-
quired to make all surveys, plats and descriptions required hereunder, and
to complete and deliver the same to the Town Clerk on or before the day
of sale, as advertised, and he shall receive therefor a sum not exceeding