sued, and may have and use a common seal, and may alter the same at
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 18, sec. 42. 1888, ch. 368.
44. The bounds and limits of the town of Centreville may be by the
commissioners of Centreville from time to time enlarged and extended so
as to take in and incorporate with said town portions of the circumjacent
territory, and the bounds and limits of said town, as enlarged and extended
to meet the requirements of the growth and expansion thereof, in the
judgment and discretion of said commissioners, shall be appropriately
marked by stones or other fixed landmarks, and shall be described in plats
and certificates thereof, to be prepared by the county surveyor, and filed
and recorded in the office of the clerk of the circuit court for Queen Anne's
county; and the said commissioners of Centreville shall have power to
order the condemnation of land and property for the opening, widening,
altering and straightening of streets, lanes, alleys and footways within
said town limits, and to provide for the payment thereof in instalments of
one, two or three years, in their discretion, by special tax to be levied for
the purpose, the exercise of the right of condemnation to be exercised as
in case of opening, widening, altering or straightening public roads, by the
county commissioners, with right of appeal also as in such cases made and
provided; and the said commissioners of Centreville shall have power to
establish front building lines on the streets of said town, and to grant
permits for buildings; and no street, lane, alley or footway shall be
opened, altered, widened or straightened without a permit from said com-
missioners first had and obtained, prescribing the conditions thereof; and
the said commissioners shall have power to enforce the powers hereby
granted, by appropriate ordinances, and to enforce the same by fines,
penalties and forfeitures.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 18, sec. 43. 1878, ch. 118. 1900, ch. 90, sec. 43.
45. Male inhabitants of Centreville above the age of twenty-one years
and assessed with one hundred dollars worth of real or personal property
on the tax books of said town, and who have also resided in said town for
six months next preceding the election, and also all untaxed male in-
habitants of said town possessing the qualifications of age and residence
above set forth whose wives are assessed as aforesaid, and no others, shall
elect by ballot, on the first Monday of April, in the year 1900, and every
two years thereafter, three male residents of said town and holding real
estate in said town above the value of three hundred dollars, as Town
Commissioners thereof. And at any time before such election is held the
Town Commissioners then in office shall appoint some justice of the peace
of Queen Anne's County residing in said town a judge of election, who
shall appoint a clerk to take down the votes cast at said election; and the
clerk aforesaid before he proceeds to act as such shall take an oath before
said justice of the peace that he will truly, faithfully and impartially take
down the names of all such persons as shall be permitted by the said judge
to vote at said election. And said judge of election shall have possession