4172 ARTICLE 18.
mary, but full opportunity shall be had to be heard before judgment is
pronounced. No appeal shall be entertained until notice of the same
shall have given personally to some member of the Board of County Com-
missioners within thirty days following the rendition of the decision ap-
pealed from. An appeal shall lie from the judgment of the Circuit Court
for Queen Anne's County to the Court of Appeals as in other civil cases,
but no appeal taken to the Circuit Court, or to the Court of Appeals shall
stay any action taken by the Board of County Commissioners upon any
such application.
1916, ch. 250, sec. 289.
41. The County Commissioners of Queen Anne's County may at any
time after due notice, and a public hearing, revoke any license granted
under the authority of this Act, when it shall be made to appear to them
that the business, entertainment or amusement for which the said license
was granted is being operated or conducted in a manner detrimental to
the health, morals, safety or welfare of the people of Queen Anne's,
1916, ch. 250, sec. 290.
42. Any firm, person, corporation, association or organization who
opens, conducts, or carries on any hotel, casino, excursion pavilion, or any
bathing beach, park, or grounds of any description whatsoever for the
resort of persons as an excursion ground, camp meeting, encampment, or
place of amusement or diversion within the limits of Queen Anne's
County, but without the limits of any incorporated town in said County,
without first having secured a license or permit as provided by the provi-
sions of this Act, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon con-
viction thereof shall be fined not exceeding five hundred dollars a day
for each day he may so keep open any such hotel, casino, excursion pavil-
ion, bathing beach, park or grounds of any description whatsoever for the
resort of persons as an excursion ground, camp meeting, encampment,
place of amusement or diversion; or be imprisoned in the County Jail for
not less than six months nor more than one year, or both fined and im-
prisoned, in the discretion of the Court. All fines collected under this
Section shall be paid to the County Commissioners of Queen Anne's.
County for the use of the public roads.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 18, sec. 41. 1860, Art. 17, sec. 30.
43. The town of Centreville, in Queen Anne's county, is incorporated,
and the inhabitants thereof are a body politic, by the name and style of
"The Town Commissioners of Centreville," and as such may sue and be
*Centreville has been authorized to issue bonds and to levy taxes to pay interest
on and to redeem said bonds, as follows: 1914, ch. 440, $10,000 for paying; 1914,
ch. 450, $4,500 for light plant; 1929, ch. 14, $1,000 (notes) for lot and stable; 1929,
ch. 49, $30,000 for street improvements.