4174 ARTICLE 18.
and custody of the tax book of said town while any election as aforesaid is
being held for the purpose of ascertaining and determining the persons
entitled to vote at said election. The polls for the election aforesaid shall
be opened ait the court house in said town at the hour of 9 o'clock A. M.,
and shall be closed at 6 o'clock P. M. No vote shall be taken before or
after said hours respectively. And after the polls are closed the said judge
shall proceed forthwith, in the presence of such persons as may attend,
to count the ballots, and shall ascertain and publicly declare the three
persons having the highest number of votes duly elected Town Commis-
sioners of Centreville for the ensuing two years and until their successors
have qualified; and the said justice of the peace shall receive for acting
as judge of election the sum of five dollars, and the said clerk shall receive
the sum of three dollars, to be paid by said town.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 18, sec. 44. 1860, Art. 17, sec. 33. 1900, ch. 90, sec. 44.
46. If any of said Town Commissioners so elected shall refuse or
neglect to qualify, or die, or remove out of said town, or become otherwise
disqualified, his place shall be filled for the residue of the term by the
selection of some one possessing the qualifications for Town Commissioner
aforesaid by the remaining Town Commissioners, who shall qualify by
taking the oath aforesaid before some justice of the peace of said county
residing in said town, a certificate of which oath shall be duly filed and
recorded among the minutes of said Town Commissioners.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 17, sec. 45. 1860, Art. 17, sec. 34. 1900, ch. 90, sec. 45.
47. Within ten days after their election, as provided in Section forty-
three, each of said Town Commissioners shall qualify by taking an oath
to be administered by some justice of the peace of said county residing in
said town; that he will diligently and faithfully, to the best of his skill
and judgment, perform the duties of Town Commissioner of said town
without favor, partiality or prejudice, and a, certificate of such qualifica-
tion shall be returned by the said justice of the peace to the Town Com-
missioners and be filed and recorded among their proceedings.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 18, sec. 46. 1860, Art. 17, sec. 35.
48. The said commissioners shall meet annually, on the second Mon-
day in April, and on the first Monday in every third month thereafter,
and as much oftener as they may think proper; not less than a majority
shall constitute a board for the transaction of any business except an
1906, ch. 209, sec. 46A.
49. The said commissioners shall select from among themselves a
person to act as treasurer to said board; the treasurer shall receive all
moneys that may be collected from taxes, fees, fines or otherwise by any
law or ordinance, directly or through the bailiff, collector or otherwise,
and all such moneys shall be paid out only by order of the commissioners;
and before he proceeds to act as treasurer he shall subscribe to an oath