the place or places of voting, the hours the polls are open and the names
of the judges and clerks. In the event that any judge or Clerk after ap-
pointment is unable or declines to serve the remaining judges shall name
some one to take his place. Suitable ballot boxes, polling places and
printed ballots shall be provided by the said commissioners. Any person
desiring to become a candidate for any elective office shall, at least five days
before election, file, or cause to be filed with the commissioners, the chair-
man or clerk thereof, a petition stating that he or she is a candidate for
the office, which petition must be signed by such person and endorsed
by at least three persons entitled to vote in the next town election. Upon
the filing of such petition the commissioners shall print such person's name
upon the ballot. Immediately upon the closing of the polls the ballots shall
be publicly counted and the said judges shall within two days thereafter
make a true and correct return of the votes so cast in a sealed envelope to
the chairman of the said commissioners, and within ten days thereafter
the said commissioners shall meet and canvass said return and declare
those qualified persons receiving the highest number of votes duly elected.
In case two or more persons shall have leceived the same number of
votes so that there is no choice for the office, a new election shall be imme-
diately proclaimed by the said commissioners from among such tie candi-
dates, which election shall be held on five days' notice and in all respects
as aforesaid except as to the day of election and the convening of the
1924, ch. 528, sec. 6.
27. The commissioners elected shall hold office for two years from the
third Tuesday in May, except as hereinafter provided for, and any vacancy
by death, resignation, removal from the said town of Berwyn Heights or
otherwise shall be filled by a special election to be held after ten days'
notice and in conformance with the provisions pertaining to general elec-
tions hereinabove set forth, the person or persons so elected to hold office
for the period of the unexpired term. The commissioners shall serve with-
out compensation, and shall at their first meeting after election elect one
of their number to be chairman of the Board of Commissioners.
1924, ch. 528, sec. 7.
28. The commissioners shall meet in said town on the first Monday in
June succeeding their election, and from time to time thereafter as occa-
sion may require, or upon the call of the chairman.
1924, ch. 528, sec. 8.
29. The said commissioners shall annually elect a treasurer who shall
also act as clerk for said commissioners, and who in addition to his or her
duties as treasurer shall keep the minutes of their proceedings in a well-
bound book, which shall be open to the inspection of all bona fide resi-
dents of said town, and said clerk shall perform such other duties as the
commissioners may assign to him or her.