3720 ARTICLE 17
purchase and hold real, personal and mixed property and sell and dispose
of the same for municipal purposes
1896, oh 267, sec 2 1924, ch 528, sec 2
23. The corporate limits and boundaries of said town of "Berwyn
Heights" shall be the same limits and boundaries as are shown on the plat
of the subdivision of "Charlton Heights" now called "Berwyn Heights"
recorded among the land records of said Prince George's County in Liber
J W B No 10 at folio 309 and shall include all the land contained in
said subdivision, including also the land shown on said plat contained
within the following metes and bounds, to wit: beginning for the same
at the southeast corner of block numbered nineteen of said subdivision and
running thence in a northerly direction along the east line of said block
nineteen to the south line of Carrington Avenue, thence easterly along
the south line of said Carrington Avenue to the west line of the road mark-
ing the eastern boundary of said subdivision and marked on said plat as
"The Road to Bladensburg," said road being also known as the "Edmond-
ston Road", thence southerly along the west line of said road to Bladens-
burg to the north line of Washington Avenue, and thence westerly along
the north line of said Washington Avenue and the north line of Waugh
Avenue to the place of beginning, all as shown on said plat
1924, ch 528, sec 3
24. The government of said town shall be vested in a board of five
commissioners to be elected at large as hereinafter provided, each of whom
shall be a freeholder or the wife or husband of a freeholder, shall have
resided within the said town for at least one year next preceding the elec-
tion and shall be an actual resident thereof at the time of election
1924, ch 528, sec 4
25. All citizens of the said town above the age of twenty-one years
who shall have resided within the said corporate limits thereof for at least
six months prior to any election and who shall be a registered voter of said
Prince George's County shall be qualified to vote for candidates for all
elective offices of said town, and the judges of election shall be the sole
judges of the qualifications and right of any person to vote in any election
1924, oh 528, sec 5
26. Election for town officers, except as hereinafter provided for the
referendum and the first election held hereunder, shall be held on the
first Tuesday in May at a place or places to be designated by the com-
missioners, at which election the polls shall remain open from two o'clock
until eight o'clock P M
The election shall be conducted by three judges of election and two
clerks to be appointed by the commissioners of said town At least five
days before any election the said commissioners shall cause to be posted
in three public places in said town the notice of said election, designating