P. L. L., 1888, Art 17, sec. 19. 1912 Code, sec. 19.
10. Any trustee may, under his hand, in writing, appoint what poor
shall be received into said almshouse.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 17, sec. 20. 1912 Code, sec. 20.
11. Any justice of the peace of the county, or any person authorized
and appointed by said justice, may apprehend and commit to said alms-
house any rogues, vagrants, vagabonds, beggars and other idle, dissolute
and disorderly persons found loitering or residing in said county and hav-
ing no visible means of subsistence, and following no trade or occupation,
there to be kept at hard labor for any period not exceeding three months,
and the overseer shall receive and employ them accordingly.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 17, sec. 21. 1912 Code, sec. 21.
12. If any person shall sell any strong liquor, or any other thing, to
any inmate of said almshouse, he shall for every such offense forfeit the
sum of twenty-five dollars.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 17, sec 22. 1912 Code, sec. 22.
13. All the pains, penalties and forfeitures imposed in this subtitle of
this article may be recovered by action of debt, or by indictment in the
circuit court for said county, for the use of the almshouse; all sheriffs,
bailiffs and other constables shall aid the said trustees, and the officers
appointed by them, in the discharge of their respective duties.
P. L L, 1888, Art 17, sec. 23. 1912 Code, sec. 23.
14. If any person shall be sued or prosecuted for anything done im
pursuance of this subtitle of this article, or anything therein contained,
he may plead the general issue and give the special matter in evidence; and
if upon trial a verdict shall be found for defendant, or the plaintiff be
non-suited or discontinue, tie defendant shall recover treble costs, and
if the plaintiff shall be unable to pay them, they shall be paid by the attor-
ney who brought or prosecuted the suit, unless the plaintiff shall give
security for them, to be approved by the court.
1916, ch. 589, sec. 1.
15. No person shall be entitled to engage in business as an auctioneer
in Prince George's County unless he shall have first taken out a license as
hereinafter provided.
1916, ch. 589, sec. 2.
16. It shall be the duty of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of said Coun-
ty to issue auctioneer licenses to such persons as may apply for and be