3716 ARTICLE 17.
rules, by-laws and regulations as they may deem proper and as are not in
conflict with the Public General Laws of this State for the maintenance
and support of the indigent poor or sick of Prince George's County. They
shall have power to appoint an overseer of the poor in said County to be
paid such compensation as they may deem proper, and may require him
to give bond, but it shall not be necessary for them to appoint such an
overseer if, in their judgment, they deem it to be inadvisable.
1916, ch. 299, sec. 6.
6. The County Commissioners of Prince George's County are hereby
authorized and directed each year to levy a sufficient amount to pay for
the care and maintenance of the poor of said County, and they are further
authorized and directed to levy a sufficient amount to purchase any prop-
erty, real, personal or mixed which may, at any time, be necessary, in
the judgment of the Trustees of the Poor, for the care and maintenance
of the poor of said County. The Trustees of the Poor in Prince George's
County shall, on or before each levy therein, present to the County Com-
missioners and publish in one or more newspapers of the County, an item-
ized estimate or budget of what will be required by them for the coming
1916, ch. 299, sec. 7.
7. The County Commissioners of Prince George's County are hereby
authorized to levy at their next levy therein succeeding the passage of this
Act any amount which may be necessary to pay bills which have already
been incurred and which are properly payable for the support of the
Almshouse of Prince George's County, and for the purchase of supplies
therefor which have already been used.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 17, sec. 17. 1912 Code, sec. 17.
8. Upon complaint made that any person, from his disorderly con-
duct, gives disturbance to a neighborhood and is likely to become charge-
able to the county, any justice of the peace, if upon hearing the party he
shall judge the complaint to be well founded, may commit such disorderly
person to the said almshouse for any time not exceeding three months,
unless he shall find security, at the discretion of the justice, in any sum
not exceeding fifty dollars, for his good behavior during the space of six
P. L. L, 1888, Art. 17, sec 18 1912 Code, sec. 18.
9. Upon complaint and due proof made by the overseer or any one of
the trustees to a justice of the peace of the county, that any person in the
said almshouse has behaved in a disorderly manner or has refused or neg-
lected to obey any of the rules or by-laws of the said corporation, said
justice may direct such moderate and proper correction, not exceeding
thirty-nine lashes for any one offense, to be given to such offender, as the
nature of the offense may require.