3718 ARTICLE 17.
entitled to them under this Act, and according to the conditions and pro-
visions of this Act, the amount so received from said license to be paid to
the County Commissioners of Prince George's County to be credited by
them to the general fund of said County.
1916, ch. 589, sec. 3.
17. Each applicant for such a license shall pay the yearly sum of ten
dollars ($10.00) if he be a resident of said County; the sum of twenty-
five dollars ($25.00) if he be a resident of the State outside of said County;
and the sum of fifty dollars ($50.00) if he be not a resident of the State;
and no license shall be issued by said Clerk of the County Court to any
such person until the aforesaid license fee has been paid and until such
person has made oath as to his place of residence.
1916, ch. 589, sec. 4.
18. Every person conducting a sale in violation of Sectiotn 15 of this
subtitle shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof
shall be fined not less than ten dollars nor more than fifty dollars in the
discretion of the Court.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 17, sec. 24. 1912 Code, sec. 26. 1922, ch. 287.
19. The County Commissioners shall annually levy a sum of money
sufficient to pay the bailiffs of said county three ($3.00) dollars each per
day as compensation for their services, and a certificate signed by the
Clerk of the Circuit Court and expressing the number of days any bailiff
shall have served and the sum due for such service, shall be sufficient
authority to them to pay the amount therein specified; and the balance, if
any, remaining at the end of the year shall be applied by them to the use
of the county.
1914, ch. 471.
20. Whenever a house shall be erected, established, continued, main-
tained, used, owned or occupied in Prince George's County contrary to
the provisions of Section 20 of Article 27 of the Code of Public Gen-
eral Laws, title "Crimes aud Punishment," subtitle "Bawdy Houses and
Houses of Ill Fame," not only the occupants and tenants of said houses,
but the owners and landlords of the same who shall knowingly suffer or
permit such a house to be erected, established or maintained, used or
occupied contrary to the provisions of said Section 20 of Article 27 above
mentioned shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and any landlord or tenant
who shall be so guilty of renting from or to a house of the character men-
tioned in Section 20, Article 27, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor
and the State's Attorney for said County, upon written complaint of ten
citizens of said County, shall have served through the Sheriff of said