tion or present which may be given, devised or bequeathed by any person
to them for the support and maintenance of the poor of said County and
may purchase and hold and convey any lands or tenements for the carry-
ing out of the purposes for which they are created.
1916, ch. 299, sec. 2.
2. The Trustees of the Poor in Prince George's County shall meet on
the first Tuesday in June, 1916, and every two years thereafter and or-
ganize by the election of a Chairman and Secretary. The Secretary shall
have charge and custody of all the books and papers of said Board, shall
keep the minutes thereof and the common seal, after the same has been
adopted by said Board, shall countersign all checks for the payment of
money, and shall be paid a yearly compensation, of not exceeding one
hundred dollars, out of the funds levied for the use of the poor, as here-
inafter provided for. The Chairman of said Trustees shall be selected
from among the members thereof but the Secretary shall be elected from
outside of the membership and may hold any other clerkship to any other
County board which does not interfere with the performance of his duties
as such Secretary.
1916, ch. 299, sec. 3.
3. The Trustees of the Poor in Prince George's County shall meet at
such times and places as may be necessary to carry out their duties, and
each of said trustees shall be allowed his necessary expenses in the dis-
charge of his duty, which shall be paid out of the funds levied for the use
of the poor hereinafter provided for.
1916, ch. 299, sec. 4.
4. All property now held by the Trustees of the Poor of Prince
George's County, including lands, moneys, contracts, purchases and all
other kinds of property real, personal and mixed, choses in action and
rights of action of all kinds or character is hereby vested in the Trustees
of the Poor in Prince George's County as constituted by this Act, and the
said Trustees of the Poor in Prince George's County are authorized and
empowered to sell, lease or otherwise dispose of the same or any part there-
of in any manner that they shall see fit whenever the same, in their judg-
ment, shall be best for the purposes for which they were created, and they
are authorized and directed to purchase additional property of any kind
or character within the limits of the money in their hands at any time if,
in their judgment, they shall deem it proper for the purposes for which
they were constituted.
1916, ch. 299, sec 5
5. The Trustees of the Poor in Prince George's County shall have the
general charge of the government, support and maintenance of the alms-
house now established in Prince George's County or of any future alms-
house or almshouses, or places devoted to the care of the indigent poor
of said County, they shall have full power and authority to make such