3590 ARTICLE 16.
1914, ch. 812, sec. 5.
842. All individuals and corporations lawfully having buildings, struc-
tures, works, conduits, mains, pipes, tracks, or other physical obstructions
in, over or under the streets, alleys or highways of said town, which shall
block or impede the progress of said sewerage system, when in progress of
construction and establishment, shall, upon reasonable notice from said
Mayor and Council of Rockville, promptly so shift, adjust, accommodate
or remove the same at their own cost and expense, as to fully meet the
exigencies, occasioning such notice; and if any such individual or corpo-
ration shall refuse, neglect or fail, after such reasonable notice, to dis-
charge any duty cast upon him or it by this section, he or it, shall in addi-
tion to but not in substitution for any other remedy or remedies that said
Mayor and Council may have in the premises, be subject to a fine of one
hundred dollars for each and every offense, and also to an additional fine of
fifty dollars a day for every day that said refusal, neglect or failure shall
continue; said fines to be collected as other fines in the Town of Rockville
are collected.
1914, ch. 812, sec. 6.
843. Said Mayor and Council shall have power to pass, and to enforce
by suitable penalties, such ordinances as may be found necessary to pro-
tect the water, sewerage and disposal plant hereinbefore mentioned and to
require the connection of all houses within the present or future corporate
limit of said Town of Rockville with the sewers to be constructed and gen-
erally to pass and enforce all ordinances which it may deem proper for the
health and cleanliness of said town.
1914, ch. 812, sec. 7.
844. A Commission of seven persons, consisting of Dr. Ernest L. Bul-
lard, Charles W. Prettyman, Robert B. Peter, Richard H. Stokes, William
W. Welsh, Robert Gr. Hilton and Dr. Otis M. Linthicum are hereby ap-
pointed to assist and co-operate with the said Mayor and Council of Rock-
ville in the construction or extension of the waterworks, and the construc-
tion of the sewerage system and sewerage disposal plant or plants contem-
plated by this Act. Said committee to act in an advisory capacity, except
that no plan shall be adopted or contract made for any of the real estate
needed or work mentioned in this Act without the approval of at least a
majority of said committee. Any vacancy in said committee caused by
resignation, death, removal from the Town of Rockville, or any other dis-
ability shall be filled by a majority of the remaining members of said Com-
1914, ch. 812, sec. 8.
845. After the passage of this Act no contract for the purchase of any
supplies or materials or work involving an expenditure of five hun-
dred dollars ($500.00) or more by the Town of Rockville shall be let or
awarded except to the lowest responsible bidder, after due and proper ad-
vertisement for sealed bids to be opened at a joint meeting, properly