P. L. L. (1888), art. 1, sec. 34. 1860, art. 1, sec. 16. 1900, ch. 25. 1904, ch. 169.
100. At the general election of county officers of Allegany County,
to be held in said county, November, 1905,* and every four years there-
after, a clerk to the Board of County Commissioners shall be elected by
the qualified voters of said county, who shall hold the office of clerk for
the term of four years from the time of his election and qualification or
until his successor is elected and qualified, and shall be subject to removal
from said office for any wilful neglect of duty or misbehavior in office at
any time by the County Commissioners of 'said county; said clerk shall
be paid for his services the sum of twelve hundred dollars per annum,
payable in sums of one hundred dollars at the expiration of each and every
month, by the Treasurer of Allegany County, from the funds of said
county; and said clerk, before entering upon the discharge of his duties,
shall give bond to the County Commissioners of Allegany County in the
sum of five thousand dollars for the faithful discharge of his duties.
1918, ch. 43. 1927, ch. 14.
101. In addition to the salary provided by Section 100, the Clerk to
the Board of County Commissioners for Allegany County shall be enti-
tled to receive such extra compensation or salary as may be determined
by the Board of County Commissioners, not to exceed, however, the sum
of twelve hundred dollars ($1,200.00) per annum, in addition to the sal-
ary provided by Section 100, if the said Board of County Commissioners
for Allegany County shall deem it necessary and proper to pay the said
Clerk any extra salary or compensation, the amount of such extra com-
pensation or salary, as above mentioned, and the time and method of its
payment to be determined by the said Board of County Commissioners for
Allegany County.
P. L. L. (1888), art. 1, sec. 35. 1860, art. 1, sec. 17.
102. The said clerk shall also, before one of said commissioners, take
and subscribe the following oath: "I, A. B., do swear that as Clerk to
the County Commissioners of Allegany County, I will honestly and faith-
fully, to the best of my skill and judgment, execute the duties of said
office, without favor, affection, prejudice or partiality, so help me God."
P. L. L. (1888), art. 1, sec. 36. 1880, ch. 397.
103. He shall be entitled to such compensation as shall be fixed by
the County Commissioners, and he shall have power to administer oaths
to all road supervisors who come before said Commissioners to settle their
accounts, touching the fairness and truth of such accounts, and to all per-
sons who come before said commissioners to make transfers, or ask for
rebates or reductions, or other changes in assessments on the assessment
books of said county, and shall have power to take affidavits to all papers
to be filed in the office of said Commissioners.
*Under Art. 17 of the Md. Constitution elections for County officers are now
held in even numbered years.