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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 33   View pdf image (33K)
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class, and he shall not allow any payment to be made by draft upon any
district fund which has been exhausted, so that no fund shall be over-
drawn, except, however, it shall be lawful for the treasurer to transfer a
balance appropriated to one fund, which may not be needed, to another
fund which is about to become exhausted; provided, the same be done by
the order of the County Commissioners.

1892, ch. 224, sec. 30B. 1902, chs. 323 and 502, sec. 30B.

96. The County Commissioners of Allegany County are hereby pro-
hibited from spending during any fiscal year more money than they shall
have previously levied upon the taxable basis of Allegany County to meet
the necessary expenses of said county, except upon conditions that when-
ever in the judgment of said commissioners it shall be necessary or desir-
able for the public good to spend more money than shall have been levied
for the current year, then the said County Commissioners shall publish
a notice in one of the daily newspapers in Allegany County twice a week
for two successive weeks warning the public of said deficiency, and the
object of the proposed increased expenditure and the proposed loans occa-
sioned thereby, and naming therein a day at which the said commissioners
will meet to determine the advisability, of making said expenditure in
excess of the levy and of making any loans that said board may consider
necessary therefor; and at said meeting any taxpayer who may appear
shall have the right to be heard in opposition to any such expenditures or
loans that said expenditures may occasion; but nothing contained in the
provisions of this Act shall restrict said County Commissioners in renew-
ing promissory notes of said county outstanding at the date of its passage
so often as renewals may be necessary before their final payment.

1902, chs. 323 and 502, sec. 30C.

97. For any violation of the provisions of Sections 95, 96 of this Arti-
cle the said County Commissioners shall be subject and liable individually
to indictment, and upon conviction they and each of them shall be liable
and subject to a fine of not more than five hundred dollars; provided, how-
ever, that if any commissioners shall have voted against the passage of
such unlawful Act, such vote shall be conclusive evidence of his innocence,
and he shall not be indicted.

P. L. L. (1888), art. 1, sec. 31. 1878, ch. 31.

98. They shall meet on the first Monday in January, second Monday
in April, first Thursday in July and second Monday in October in each
year, and may call special meetings whenever they, or a majority of them,
may think proper.

See sec. 94.

P. L. L. (1888), art. 1, sec. 32. 1860, art. I, sec. 14.

99. They may classify the business of the Court and designate the
meetings at which the several classes of business shall be disposed of.


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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 33   View pdf image (33K)
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