have power and authority to make all rules and regulations necessary for
the conduct of said Band.
1927, ch. 284, sec. 3.
166. The said Mayor and City Council shall have, and they are hereby
given, the power and authority to include in the annual levy on the assess-
able property in the City of Cumberland such amount as shall produce
such yearly sum as the said Mayor and City Council shall choose to
appropriate in order to purchase music, supplies and equipment for the
said Band as the same may be required, paying the members of said Band
and for such other purposes as the said Mayor and City Council may
deem proper or requisite to carry out the purposes of this sub-title.
1924, ch. 69, sec. 4.
167. The Mayor and City Council shall charge and collect for the water
supplied to the residents of the City of Cumberland and vicinity, a sum
sufficient to pay the expenses heretofore and hereafter necessary for the
operating of the water system of Cumberland, Maryland, and to pay for
the redemption of the bonds now outstanding against the City of Cumber-
land for water improvements, and this bond issue, and the interest on all
the bonded indebtedness of the City of Cumberland, pertaining to the
water system of said city, and the money so charged and collected shall be
kept and maintained in a fund separate, it being the intention of this
Act to enable the Mayor and City Council of Cumberland to so operate
the water supply of said city that the revenue therefrom shall be used to
defray the heretofore or hereafter expenses connected therewith, provided
if the receipts from the Water Department shall be less than the expenses
in any year or years, the Mayor and City Council shall levy from time
to time such amount on the assessable property of the City as may be
necessary to pay the bonds issued hereunder or are empowered to borrow
an amount not exceeding thirty thousand ($30,000.00) dollars in any one
year, and to pledge the credit of the city for the security of the same,
provided, however, that the water rate shall be increased for the succeed-
ing year sufficient to pay off such deficit.
See sec. 173.
1924, ch. 69, sec. 5.
168. The bonds hereunder authorized shall be issued in addition to
and exclusive of the ten per cent, bonded indebtedness on the assessed
valuation of the property in the City of Cumberland authorized by Section
55 of this Article.
1924, ch. 69, sec. 6.
169. If the Mayor or any member of the City Council shall violate any
of the provisions of this Act, or expend or attempt the expenditure of any
See the following Acts, which authorized the City of Cumberland to Issue water
bonds: 1920 (Special Session), ch. 8, $750,000 (only $250,000 issued) ; 1922, ch. 10,
$500,000; 1924, ch. 69, $750,000.