of the proceeds of said bond issue for any other purpose than herein set
forth, he or they, shall, upon trial and conviction, be sentenced to pay a
fine of not less than one hundred ($100.00) dollars, nor more than one
thousand ($1,000.00) dollars, or be sentenced to confinement in the
Allegany County Jail for not more than six months, or both fine and
imprisonment in the discretion of the 'Court.
1929, ch. 548, sec. 1.
170. The Mayor and City Council of Cumberland be and it is hereby
authorized and empowered to issue "Water Improvement Bonds of 1929"
to the amount of two hundred thousand dollars ($200,000.00), payable at
the end of forty years from the date of issue, and to sell the same; said
bonds to be of the denomination of one thousand ($1,000.00) dollars, and
shall be exempt from State, County and Municipal taxes; said bonds to be
signed by the Mayor of the City of Cumberland, and attested by the City
Clerk, with the corporation seal of the city thereto attached, and to bear
interest at the rate of not more than five per cent, per annum, payable semi-
annually, for which interest proper coupons are to be attached to said
bonds; and at the end of each fiscal year, an excess of receipts over ex-
penses in the water fund shall be paid to the Trustees of the Sinking Fund
to be held and invested for the redemption of the Water Bonds of the City
of Cumberland outstanding, with the right to the Trustees of said Sinking
Fund to purchase any of said bonds and cancel the same.
1929, ch. 548, sec. 2.
171. The said Mayor and City Council shall, by ordinance, cause ad-
vertisement to be made, setting the time and place where bids conditioned
as may be required by said ordinance will be opened for the sale of said
bonds, reserving unto itself the right to reject any and all bids. Said bids
shall be filed with the City Clerk of the City of Cumberland, and at the
time and place advertised shall be opened by him in the presence of the
Mayor and City Council, and if said bids be satisfactory to the Mayor and
City Council, it shall sell said bonds, or any part thereof, to the highest
bidder or bidders, of whose ability to comply with the terms of sale the
said Mayor and City Council in its discretion is satisfied.
1929, ch. 548, sec. 3.
172. Upon the sale of said bonds, the proceeds thereof shall be in a
separate fund, and used by the Mayor and City Council for the purpose of
improving, repairing, extending and other necessary purposes heretofore
and hereafter affecting the water supply of the City of Cumberland, and
for no other purpose or purposes.
1929, ch. 548, see. 4.
173. The Mayor and City Council shall charge and collect for the water
supplied to the residents of the City of Cumberland and vicinity, a sum
sufficient to pay the expenses heretofore and hereafter necessary for the