as may be needed in the operation and maintenance of said Hospital, such
amount in excess thereof shall be paid by said Board of Governors to the
Trustees of the Sinking Fund of the City of Cumberland for the purpose
of retiring bonds under this issue, and in the event that a deficit shall be
found to exist in such operation and maintenance, the Mayor and City
Council of Cumberland shall have the power to appropriate to the purposes
of said Hospital such amount so deemed necessary.
1927, ch. 411, sec. 12.
160. It shall be the duty of said Board of Governors to furnish to the
Mayor and City Council at the end of each six months a statement showing
the receipts, disbursements and general financial condition of said Hos-
1927, ch. 411, sec. 13. 1929, ch. 515, sec. 13.
161. That neither the Mayor and City Council of Cumberland nor said
Board of Governors, shall be liable in any suit brought against either for
or by reason of the negligence of any employee, servant or agent engaged
in and about the erection, maintenance or operation of said hospital.
1927, ch. 411, sec. 14. 1929, ch. 515, sec. 14.
162. That the said Board of Governors are hereby authorized to accept
for and on behalf of said Memorial Hospital any gift, devise or bequest of
real or personal property, at any time, from any source, by any means
whatsoever, and to use the same, or the proceeds from the sale of the
same, either for the erection of buildings and additions or repairs, or
equipment, or for maintenance, or other hospital purposes as it may deem
proper, or for any other purpose specified in any condition attached to
such gift, devise or bequest.
1927, ch. 411, sec. 15. 1929, ch. 515, sec. 15.
163. Any and all Acts or parts of Acts, or any part, or parts, of the
City Charter of Cumberland, Maryland, conflicting in any way herewith,
is or are hereby repealed in so far and to the extent that the same shall so
1927, ch. 284, sec. 1.
164. The Mayor and City Council of Cumberland, are hereby, author-
ized, empowered and directed to establish a Municipal Band for the City
of Cumberland for the purpose of giving free concerts to the people of
Cumberland and for such other purposes as they may, from time to time,
1927, ch. 284, sec. 2.
165. The Mayor and City Council of Cumberland, and their successors
in office, shall have full power and authority over said Band and shall